Create a Service Instance



Creates an Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service instance.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the create request.
Root Schema : Request Body
Type: object
Title: Request Body
Show Source
  • Name of the Availability Domain within the Compute Region.
  • Backup destination.
  • Oracle cloud storage container used for backing up the database.
  • Create cloud storage container.
  • Cloud storage password.
  • Cloud storage username.
  • Component Parameters
    Title: Component Parameters
  • Select the Edition of the service to create.
  • Select to enable email notifications for your service.
  • IP Network for each node in the service.
  • Service is available for provisioning the topic services (applicable only if the service is Oracle Managed).
  • Leverage your on-premises licenses aka BYOL (Oracle Database and Oracle Weblogic etc.) when spin up Cloud Service instances in the PAYG or Monthly Commit purchase models.
  • Describes if the service is Oracle Managed.
  • Metering Frequency.
  • This parameter, when set to true disables rollback in case of failure - this is helpful for debugging purposes, as the resources would not get cleaned up.
  • Enter email address for notifications.
  • Topic services can use the underlying system which are created using the given domain (applicable only if the service is Oracle Managed).
  • This attribute is only applicable to accounts where regions are supported, including accounts on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Name of the region where the Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service instance is to be provisioned.

    A region name must be specified if you intend to use ipReservations or ipNetwork in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic deployment.

    If you do not specify a region, the service instance is created on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic and does not support ipReservations or ipNetwork.

    An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region must be specified to provision your service instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure host resources. Be sure to specify a region that is within the default data region of your account on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. If the default data region is North America, specify the region such as us-phoenix-1 or us-ashburn-1. If the default data region is EMEA, specify the region as eu-frankfurt-1 or uk-london-1.

    Note the following when provisioning on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:

    • An availability domain must also be specified using availabilityDomain. See Regions and Availability Domains in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services.

    • A subnet must also be specified using subnet. See VCNs and Subnets in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services.

    • Access rules and IP reservations REST endpoints are not supported.

  • This is a optional description that is used to help identify the purpose for this service.
  • This is the level of service provided for this service.
  • This is the unique name used to identify the service in the tenant domain.
  • Service version of the service to create.
  • This attribute is relevant to only Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Specify the Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) of a subnet from a virtual cloud network (VCN) that you had created previously in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. For the instructions to create a VCN and subnet, see Prerequisites for Oracle Platform Services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

    The OCID is a unique autogenerated ID. To find out the OCID of a subnet, go to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure web console, select the Networking tab, click the VCN that your subnet is in, and look for the OCID field under the subnet that you want to use.

  • Use High Performance Storage for the data files.
  • Select the public key that will be used for access to service hosts.
  • This is the virtual machine OS user that has root privilege.
Nested Schema : Component Parameters
Type: object
Title: Component Parameters
Show Source
Nested Schema : CASSANDRA
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ipReservations
Type: array
Assign automatically or choose reserved IP(s) for nodes.
Show Source


Supported Media Types

202 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : accepted-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Job ID of the operation.
  • System message that describes the operation. For example: Submitted job to create service [{serviceName}] in domain [{identityDomainId}].