Create and Delete Tag Assignments



Creates and deletes tag assignments in the same request.

Set the ?createTagsIfNeeded query parameter to true to create new tags if the tag assignments in the payload contain tags that do not yet exist.

Set the optional ?force query parameter to true to force the request to complete even if any specified tags, service resources, or tag assignments are not found.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the tag assignments to create or delete, or create and delete.
Root Schema : createdeleteassignments-request
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createAssignmentsTo
Type: object
Groups resources for tag assignments.
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Nested Schema : deleteAssignmentsFrom
Type: object
Groups resources for tag unassignments.
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Nested Schema : tagsToAssign
Type: array
Groups details about the tags to assign. Each tag object is a key/value pair.
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Nested Schema : tagsToUnassign
Type: array
Groups details about the tags to unassign. Each tag object is a key/value pair.
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Nested Schema : services
Type: array
Groups details about the service resources to assign tags to.
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Nested Schema : serviceassignment-details
Type: object
Each object describes a service resource.
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Nested Schema : services
Type: array
Groups details about the service resources to unassign tags from.
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Nested Schema : tagscreate-request
Type: object
Each tag is a key/value pair.
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  • Specify the key for this tag. A tag key can contain letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores ( _ ), and it can contain up to 128 characters.
  • Specify the value for this tag. A tag value can contain up to 256 characters and is case-sensitive.

    Default value is an empty string (if you do not provide a specific value).

Nested Schema : tagsdelete-request
Type: object
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  • Key for this tag.
  • Value for this tag.

    Default value is an empty string (if you do not provide a specific value).


Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
The response body contains information about all tags and their assignments.
Root Schema : tagsassignments-response
Type: array
The response body contains information about all tags and their assignments.
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Nested Schema : tagsassignments-details
Type: object
Each object describes a tag and its assignments.
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Nested Schema : assignments
Type: object
Groups assignment details for this tag.
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Nested Schema : services
Type: array
Groups details about the service resources assigned with this tag.
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Nested Schema : serviceassignment-details
Type: object
Each object describes a service resource.
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400 Response

Bad request.