Description of the illustration of Oracle Cloud architecture

This illustration shows the architecture of Oracle Cloud and its relationship with an on-premises server installation of Oracle Data Integrator.

At the top is the Firewall, DMZ Public Zone, and Web Tier, with ports 22, 443, and 80 open. Below are the external VIPs,, and https://*.dataintegration.<dc> Below them are the internal VIPs, https://proxy.<dc>.oraclecloudcom. Via port 5555, to a webhost containing OTD, with Cloud Gate and Svc Route. Using port 7777, https://*.dataintegration.<dc> connets to Webhost (external), which consists of OHS, Ckoud =Gate and Mod_WL.

Through a second firewall and DMZ secure one, the webhosts connect into the Application Tier. The ports are open using HTTP and NAP. OTD connects using HTTP to the middle tier, which contains IDCS, identity server and access server. OHS connects using HTTP on port 7002 to the PWM Domain (WLS). This consists of JCS UI, DBCS UI and ODICS UI, as awell as PaaS Service Manager, which consists of PSM Metadata Framework, JCS Extension, DBCS Extension. The PSM domain connects to the internal VIPs using ports 443 and 80.

There is a third firewall to the Internal Data Tier, with 1521, 389 and 636 as the open ports.

The Middle Tier connects using OID or OVD into, and using LBR, into OIDHOST 2, which consists of Server2 and OID. The Middle Tier also connection directly into OIDHOST2 using SQL on port 1521. OIDHOST2 using port 1521 to connect to the RAC Nodes and thence into IDCS Database. The PSM Domain (WLS) connects into using OPSS Authentication or ID Store on ports 389 or 636. It also connects via port 1521 into the PSM Metadata database in the Intranet Data Tier.

Webhost, Middle Tier, OIDHOST2 and IDCS database all make up the IDM Domain.