Troubleshoot Target Registration

If your target database has the status NEEDS_ATTENTION or INACTIVE, you need to troubleshoot target registration. You can refer here for help to resolve error messages.

Error Message: ORA-17292: No valid logon method found

Make sure SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION is 11G or above in sqlnet.ora and the database parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON is set to TRUE on the target database. See the Database Net Services Reference guide for more information about the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION and SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON settings.

Error Message: ORA-12650: No common encryption or data integrity algorithm

To resolve this error, make sure the ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER parameter is set to AES256 and SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER is not set to rejected in the database configuration. See Configuration of Data Encryption and Integrity for more information about data encryption and data integrity settings.

Target Database Turns INACTIVE If In NEEDS_ATTENTION Status for 15 Days

Oracle Data Safe is actively monitoring the connection status of the target databases by initiating connection every hour. If the connection is successful, the target database will remain ACTIVE or turn ACTIVE if it wasn't before. When the connection is unsuccessful, the target database will be put into a NEEDS_ATTENTION status with a message stating why the connection failed.

Even when the target database is in NEEDS_ATTENTION, Oracle Data Safe will keep monitoring the connection status and recover the target database to the ACTIVE status if the connection succeeds. However, if the target database is stuck in NEEDS_ATTENTION status for over 15 days, Oracle Data Safe will consider the target database unreachable with the provided connection details and stop monitoring the target database. This will show as the target database being in the INACTIVE status. A message will show saying that the target database is unreachable and has been unreachable since the time the target database turned to NEEDS_ATTENTION status.

If you are no longer interested in the target, deregister the target database from Oracle Data Safe. If you want to recover the target from the NEEDS_ATTENTION state, check the failure reason and address the problem.

An update of the target database in Oracle Data Safe is required to bring it back to the ACTIVE status. Even if the existing details are correct, re-enter the existing details to update and recover the database. Once the target database is updated, Oracle Data Safe will resume monitoring the database. This includes any audit trails that changed to the NEEDS_ATTENTION status when the target database connection failed. It may take up to two hours for an audit trail to become ACTIVE again.

Please Choose the Right Database Category Error Message

You may encounter this error when registering a target database.

After attempting to register a target database with Oracle Data Safe, if you encounter an error message that says Please choose the right database category this indicates that you have selected the incorrect combination of infrastructure type and database type.

To correct this error if you are registering an Amazon RDS for Oracle database, choose the NON_ORACLE_CLOUD infrastrusture type and CLOUD_DATABASE_SERVICE database type. If you are registering a different target database type, choose the correct combination of infrastrusture type and database type.