Compare the Latest Assessment With a Saved Assessment

You can compare the Latest Assessment with an earlier assessment to check for security drift.

  1. Under Security Center, click User Assessment.
  2. Click the Target Summary tab.
  3. From the Compartment drop-down list, select the compartment that contains your target database. Optionally, deselect INCLUDE CHILD COMPARTMENTS to not list target databases in the child compartments.
  4. (Optional) Under Filters, select a target database from the Target databases list to narrow the scope of displayed metrics and charts.
  5. To view the latest assessment for your target database, in Target Summary locate the row for your target database. Click View Report in the Last Assessed On column.

    The User Assessment Details page is displayed, showing you the latest assessment for the target database.

  6. Under Resources on the left, click Compare Assessments.

    The User Assessment Details page updates to include a Compare With Other Assessments section.

    Note: If the assessment report that you want to select is located in a different compartment than the one that is shown, click Change Compartment, and select a different compartment.

  7. From the Select Assessment drop-down list, select the assessment that you want to compare with the latest assessment.
  8. Click Compare Now.

The comparison shows what has changed in the latest assessment, relative to the earlier assessment that you selected. The Status column shows whether a user is:

  • New – did not exist in the earlier assessment.
  • Deleted – existed in the earlier assessment but does not exist in the latest assessment.
  • Existing – present in both assessments but has been modified in the interval between the earlier assessment and the latest assessment.

The Comparison Results column shows whether something in the user account was added, removed, or modified and names the areas (called User Details in User Assessment) where changes have occurred.

NOTE: The comparison shows the deltas between the two assessments. User accounts that exist in both assessments, but have not been modified are not listed.

For any User Name listed, click on Open Details in the Comparison Results column. The Comparison Details page provides the name and assessment data of the baseline and the latest assessment that are being compared. And shows the specific changes that appear in the latest assessment, relative to the baseline. For example, in this case, the account HR existed in the baseline and the latest assessment. The comparison indicates that it was modified at some point prior to the latest assessment. You can see that a number of grants have been modified and one new grant was added.