SQL Expression


The SQL Expression masking format lets you use a SQL expression to mask column data. Data Masking uses the specified SQL expression to generate values which are used to replace the original data.


  • SQL Expression: The SQL expression generates the masked values. It can consist of one or more values, operators, and SQL functions that evaluate to a value. It can also contain substitution columns (columns from the same table as the column to be masked). Specify the substitution columns within percent (%) symbols. Use SQL expressions with dbms_lob and other user-defined functions to mask columns of Large Object data type (LOBs include BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB).

Supported Data Types

  • Character
  • Numeric
  • Date
  • Large Object (LOB)


  • Supports Double-Byte Characters: Yes, the SQL expression provided should generate multi-byte characters
  • Combinable: No
  • Deterministic: Yes, depending on the SQL expression defined
  • Reversible: No
  • Uniqueness: Yes, but the uniqueness is not guaranteed and depends on the SQL expression defined. However, because ORA_HASH uses a 32-bit algorithm, and considering the birthday paradox or pigeonhole principle, there is a 0.5 probability of collision after 232-1 unique values.


  • Generate random email addresses.
    dbms_random.string('u', 8) || '@example.com'
  • Generate email addresses using values from substitution columns, for example, FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME.
    %FIRST_NAME% || '.' || %LAST_NAME% || '@example.com'
  • Empty a CLOB.
  • Apply a custom masking function to a CLOB column, for example, CLOB_COL.
  • Perform conditional masking. For example, the following expression masks PERSON_FULL_NAME with the first and last name if the party type is PERSON. Otherwise, it uses a random string to mask the data.
    (case when %PARTY_TYPE%='PERSON' then %PERSON_FIRST_NAME%|| ' ' ||%PERSON_LAST_NAME% else (select dbms_random.string('U', 10) from dual) end)
  • Perform substitution masking. For example, the following expression selects 1000 rows in the substitution table, DATA_MASK.DATA_MASK_ADDR. It masks %ZIPCODE% with the MASK_ZIPCODE column in the substitution table. The row selected depends on ora_hash and is deterministic in this case. Selection is random if dbms_random procedures are used.
    select MASK_ZIPCODE from DATA_MASK.DATA_MASK_ADDR where ADDR_SEQ = ora_hash( %ZIPCODE% , 1000, 1234)