Structure of a User Assessment Comparison

Both Compare With Baseline and Compare Assessments provide a table that lists each user account where there as been some change that may impact the security posture of the selected target database. In the case of Compare With Baseline, these are deviations from the baseline that appear in the latest assessment of the target database. In the case of Compare Assessments the deltas reported are between the selected saved assessment and the latest assessment. The table is sorted by Potential Risk.

For each User Name. the Status column indicates if this is a new, existing, or deleted user. In case of Compare With Baseline, the status is relative to the baseline. A new user is one that did not exist when the baseline assessment ran. A deleted user is one that did exist in the baseline but does not exist in the latest assessment. An existing user is one where the account was modified after the run of the assessment that has been set as the baseline.

In the case of Compare Assessment, a new user is one that exists latest assessment, but did not exist in the earlier assessment. Likewise, a deleted user no longer exists in the latest assessment. An existing user is one found in both compared assessments and whose account has been modified.

The Comparison Results column shows whether something was added, removed, or modified and names the areas (called User Details in User Assessment) where changes have occurred.