View and Manage Alert Policies

You can view and perform management tasks with alert policies.

Details for an Oracle Data Safe Alert Policy

Oracle Data Safe provides the following information for each Oracle predefined alert policy:

  • Policy name
  • Severity level of the alert policy; for example, CRITICAL
  • Type of alert policy - Currently, all policies are based on auditing.
  • Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) - You can view and copy this OCID.
  • Target databases on which the alert policy is applied
  • Rule expression - For example, the expression for the Profile Changes alert policy is ((:COMMAND_CLASS='CREATE' OR :COMMAND_CLASS='ALTER' OR :COMMAND_CLASS='DROP') AND :TARGET_TYPE='PROFILE')

View the List of Available Alert Policies

  1. Under Security center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related resources, click Alert policies.
    The list of alert policies is displayed. Currently, only Oracle predefined alert policies are listed. For each policy, you can view its severity level and description.

View Details for an Alert Policy

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Alert Policies.
  3. On the right, click the name of the alert policy for which you want to view more information.
    The Alert Policy Details page is displayed.
  4. On the Alert Policy Information tab, view the details for the alert policy.

View Target Databases on Which an Alert Policy is Applied

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Alert Policies.
  3. On the right, click the name of the alert policy. The Alert Policy Details page is displayed.
  4. Next to Policy Applied On Target Databases, click View List to view the list of target databases on which the alert policy is applied.
    The Target-Policy Associations page is displayed. The Policy Name filter on the left is automatically set to the alert policy name. If the alert policy isn't applied to any target databases, the message No Target-Policy Associations Available is displayed.

View Alert Policies Associated with a Target Database

You can view the alert policies associated with a target database from the Target-Policy Associations page. It's useful to apply filters on the page to quickly locate a target database.

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Target-Policies Associations.
  3. From the Compartment drop-down list on the left, select the compartment that contains the target databases for which you want to view alert policies. Optionally, select Include child compartments.
  4. From the Target Databases drop-down list, select a particular target database.
  5. From the Policy Name drop-down list, select All to view all alert policies associated with your target database. Or, select a particular alert policy name.
  6. On the right, view the list of target databases and the alert policies associated with them.
    There is a row for each association. For example, if your target database is associated with two alert policies, there are two rows in the table.
    For each association, you can view whether the alert policy is enabled, the state (Active or Deleted) , when the alert policy was associated with the target database, , and the when the association was last updated
  7. To sort the table based on a column, position your cursor over the column header and click the small arrow.
    The table is sorted by the Time Created column by default.

Associate and Apply Alert Policies to Target Databases

You can associate and enable alert policies on target databases from the Target-Policy Associations page (recommended) or the Alert Policy Details page. On the Target-Policy page, you can view all alert policies associated with and enabled on each target database. The Apply Policy action associates and enables alert policies in one step.

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Target-Policy Associations. The Target-Policy Associations page is displayed.
  3. Click Apply Policy. The Apply And Enable Alert Policy To Target Databases panel is displayed.
  4. Select the target databases for which you want to apply the alert policies.


    Currently, you can apply alert policies to a maximum of ten target databases at one time. If you have access to more than ten target databases in your tenancy, you need to choose the Selected Targets Only option.
    • To apply an alert policy (or multiple alert policies) to all your target databases (assuming you have ten or less target databases), leave All Targets selected. Keep in mind that you require the appropriate permissions in Oracle Data Safe for each target database.
    • To apply an alert policy (or multiple alert policies) to select target databases (up to a maximum of ten target databases), select Selected Targets Only. If needed, click Change Compartment and select the compartment that contains your target databases. One at a time from the drop-down list, select target databases. To select target databases in a different compartment, click Add Row. In the new row, click Change Compartment and select a different compartment. One at a time from the drop-down list, select target databases.
  5. Select the alert policies.
    • To apply all alert policies, leave All Policies selected.
    • To apply select alert policies, select Selected Policies Only. One at a time from the drop-down list, select alert policies.
  6. Click Apply Policy.
    The alert policies are applied while the panel is open.
  7. Wait until the message Apply "Profile Changes" on <target database names> is displayed and has the status Done.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Refresh the Target-Policy Associations page to view the new associations.
    The target databases have the alert policies enabled by default.

Enable or Disable Alert Policies on a Target Database

You can quickly disable an alert policy on a target database from the Target-Policy Associations page.

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Target-Policy Associations.
    The Target-Policy Associations page is displayed.
  3. On the left, set the appropriate compartment, target database, and policy name filters to quickly find the alert policy that you want to enable or disable on your target database.
    The table lists alert policies only for your target database.
  4. On the right, select the check box for the rows that pertain to the alert policies that you want to enable or disable.
  5. From the Actions menu, select Enable Policy or Disable Policy.
    An Enable Policy or Disable Policy dialog box prompts you to confirm.
  6. Click Yes.

Move a Target-Policy Association

You can move a target-policy association resource to a different compartment.

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Target-Policies Associations.
  3. On the left, filter the list by compartment, target database, and/or policy name.
  4. In the table, locate the row that contains the target-policy association that you want to move, and then click the name of your target database.
    The Target-Policy Associations Details page is displayed.
  5. Click Move Resource.
    The Move Resource to a Different Compartment dialog box is displayed.
  6. Select a compartment, and then click Move Resource.
    The target-policy association is immediately moved to the selected compartment.

Delete a Target-Policy Association

  1. Under Security Center, click Alerts.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Target-Policy Associations.
    The Target-Policy Associations page is displayed.
  3. On the left, set the appropriate compartment, target database, and policy name filters to quickly find the alert policy that you want to enable or disable on your target database.
  4. On the right in the row that pertains to your alert policy and target database, click the target database name.
    The Target-Policy Associations Details page is displayed.
  5. Click Delete.
    The target-policy association is deleted.