View and Manage Global Settings for Oracle Data Safe

There are several global Oracle Data Safe settings that you can control.

View Global Settings

  1. Access the Overview page for Oracle Data Safe.
  2. Under Data Safe on the left, click Settings. The Default Settings page for the region is displayed.
  3. View the default settings for global paid usage and the global retention policy.

Enable or Disable Global Paid Usage


By default, Oracle Data Safe allows audit collection to continue after the free one million audit records limit is reached within a month.

You can disable or enable Global Paid Usage. When paid usage is disabled for a target, Oracle Data Safe automatically stops collecting audit records on a target database after the free limit is reached for a month. It resumes collection the next month, and resets the audit record count back to zero. If you want to change whether or not Oracle Data Safe continues to collect audit data on all of your target databases beyond the free limit, you can do so on the Settings page.

  1. Access the Oracle Data Safe home page.
  2. On the left under Data Safe, click Settings. The Default Settings page is displayed.
  3. In the Global Paid Usage Settings section, select or deselect Continue audit data collection for target databases beyond the monthly free limit. If you want to continue collection beyond the free limit and are willing to accept the additional cost, ensure that this option is selected. By default, it is selected.
  4. Click Save.

Set Global Retention Periods

You can set the global online and archive retention periods on the Settings page in Oracle Data Safe.

  1. Access the Oracle Data Safe home page.
  2. On the left under Data Safe, click Settings. The Default Settings page is displayed.
  3. In the Global Retention Policy section, enter the online retention period and archive retention periods in months. The default online retention period is 12 months. The default archive retention period is 0 months.
    • Records stored online are available in the audit reports for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 12 months.
    • Archived records are not immediately available in the audit reports. However, if you need them to be, you can retrieve them back online. They are retained in archive for a minimum of 0 months and a maximum of 72 months. If you have a requirement to store the audit data even longer in archive, please contact Oracle Support.
  4. Click Save.