dbaascli dv off

The dv off subcommand of the dbaascli utility is used to disable Oracle Database Vault in a database deployment.

Note: this command shuts down and then restarts the database. Therefore, you should make sure all database connections are closed before you use this command.

dbaascli dv off [cdb|pdb]

The utility prompts the user for the following:

  • Database Vault Owner user name

  • Database Vault Owner password

If no options are specified, the utility will disable Database Vault on the root container (CDB) and all existing pluggable databases (PDBs) in a database deployment using Oracle Database 12c or later. The utility assumes that Database Vault credentials are the same in the CDB and all of the PDBs.

When you install Oracle Database Vault, it revokes a set of privileges from several Oracle Database-supplied users and roles. Be aware that if you disable Oracle Database Vault, these privileges remain revoked. See "Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles" in Oracle Database Vault Administrator’s Guide for Release 18, 12.2, 12.1 or 11.2 for additional information.

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description


The cdb option is used to disable Database Vault on the root container (CDB) only in a database deployment using Oracle Database 12c or later.


The pdb option is used to disable Database Vault on a specific PDB in a database deployment using Oracle Database 12c or later. When this option is used, the utility also prompts the user for the PDB name.