View Status of an Add SSH Key Job



Returns information about the job to add an SSH Key.


Path Parameters
  • Identity domain ID for the Database Classic Cloud Service account:
    • For a Cloud account with Identity Cloud Service: the identity service ID, which has the form idcs-letters-and-numbers. You can find this ID in the Identity Service Id field on the Overview tab of the Service Details page for Database Classic Cloud Service in My Services.

    • For a traditional cloud account: the name of the identity domain.

  • Job ID of the operation.
Header Parameters
  • Base64 encoding of the user name and password of the user making the request. For more information, see Security, Authentication and Authorization.
  • Identity domain ID for the Database Classic Cloud Service account:
    • For a Cloud account with Identity Cloud Service: the identity service ID, which has the form idcs-letters-and-numbers. You can find this ID in the Identity Service Id field on the Overview tab of the Service Details page for Database Classic Cloud Service in My Services.

    • For a traditional cloud account: the name of the identity domain.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

OK. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.
Body ()
Root Schema : Response Body
Type: object
Title: Response Body
Show Source
Nested Schema : messages Array
Type: array
Title: messages Array
Array of JSON objects, with one element for each message reported during the job.
Show Source
Nested Schema : messages Array Item
Type: object
Title: messages Array Item
Show Source
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The following example shows how to view status information about a request to add an SSH public key by submitting a GET request on the REST endpoint using cURL.

This example uses a traditional cloud account, so the {identityDomainId} path parameter and the X-ID-TENANT-NAME header parameter are set to the account's domain name, which is usexample. The Oracle Cloud user name of the user making the call is dbcsadmin.

cURL Command

$ curl --include --request GET \
--user dbcsadmin:password \
--header "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:usexample" \

HTTP Status Code and Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: date-and-time-stamp
Server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
Content-Length: 1670
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: id-string
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: id-string
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json

Response Body

      "message":"Activity Submitted"
      "message":"Activity Started"
      "message":"Resetting user ssh public key,\n  new ssh public key: public-key-value"
      "message":"Successful in resetting the user ssh key as: public-key-value"
      "message":"Activity Ended"
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