Delete a Snapshot



Deletes a storage snapshot of a Database Classic Cloud Service instance.

Note: A snapshot cannot be deleted if there are any service instances cloned from it.


Path Parameters
  • Identity domain ID for the Database Classic Cloud Service account:
    • For a Cloud account with Identity Cloud Service: the identity service ID, which has the form idcs-letters-and-numbers. You can find this ID in the Identity Service Id field on the Overview tab of the Service Details page for Database Classic Cloud Service in My Services.

    • For a traditional cloud account: the name of the identity domain.

  • Name of the Database Classic Cloud Service instance.
  • Name of the snapshot.
Header Parameters
  • Base64 encoding of the user name and password of the user making the request. For more information, see Security, Authentication and Authorization.
  • Identity domain ID for the Database Classic Cloud Service account:
    • For a Cloud account with Identity Cloud Service: the identity service ID, which has the form idcs-letters-and-numbers. You can find this ID in the Identity Service Id field on the Overview tab of the Service Details page for Database Classic Cloud Service in My Services.

    • For a traditional cloud account: the name of the identity domain.

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202 Response

Accepted. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.
  • A REST URI you can use to check the progress and completion of the delete operation.
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The following example shows how to delete a snapshot of a Database Classic Cloud Service instance by submitting a DELETE request on the REST endpoint using cURL.

This example uses a traditional cloud account, so the {identityDomainId} path parameter and the X-ID-TENANT-NAME header parameter are set to the account's domain name, which is usexample. The Oracle Cloud user name of the user making the call is dbcsadmin. The snapshot being deleted is named snapshot4patchtest, and is a snapshot of the service instance db121-ep-si.

Note that the Location response header provides a URI you can do a GET on to track completion of the delete operation.

cURL Command

curl --include --request DELETE \
--user dbcsadmin:password \
--header "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:usexample" \

HTTP Status Code and Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Date: date-and-time-stamp
Server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
Content-Length: 0
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: id-string
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: id-string
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Retry-After: 60
Content-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
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