Preparing Oracle Databases for Migration

Prepare your databases using either of the following methods:

  • Prepare your database by running scripts generated by the database preparation utility (Recommended option).
  • Manually configure your Oracle databases by following the documentation and running the SQL commands.

Preparing your databases using the database preparation utility:

To prepare your databases for migration:
  1. Refer to this MOS note.
  2. Download the database preparation utility which is a shell script file.
  3. Follow the instructions to proceed.
  4. Run the script locally.
The database preparation utility:
  1. Accepts the inputs that are specific to your migration and generates a SQL script that you can run for your source and target databases.
  2. Analyzes your databases for any missing required configurations or privileges.
  3. Checks the current status of the database and provides information on the operations that will be performed on your databases.
  4. Generates a final script that performs the required operations on your databases to prepare them for the migration.


    • You must review and make necessary corrections to the scripts generated by the database preparation utility before you run them for your database.
    • You must run the utility script twice, once for the source database and then for the target database.

    Consequently, the configuration SQL script prepares the database for migration.

Manually configuring your databases for migration:

To prepare your source and target database manually using the SQL commands, see the following topics: