7 Troubleshooting Database Migration

Depending on the type of issue you may encounter while using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration, you can use the Metrics graphs in the OCI Console, the log and trail files found in the manual backup, or logs from the Migrations page to help determine the root cause and update your migration configuration.


Metrics are collected every five minutes for each deployment. The data produced can help you troubleshoot issues that you may encounter.

For more information, see Database Migration Metrics.


For each metric on the Details page, you can create an alert to inform you when a condition is met. For example, you can create an alarm to notify you when OCPU consumption is less than 50%.

To create an alarm:
  1. From the Options dropdown of a metric chart, select Create an Alarm on this Query.
  2. On the Create Alarm page, under Define Alarm, add the trigger.
  3. For Alarm Settings, complete the following fields as needed:
    • Alarm Name: Enter the name that serves as the title for notifications related to this alarm. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • Alarm Severity: Select the perceived type of response required when the alarm is in the firing state.
    • Alarm Body: Enter the content of the notification to deliver.
    • Tags (optional): Select or enter free-form tags to apply to this resource.
    • Metric description: The metric to evaluate for the alarm condition.
      • Compartment: Select the compartment that contains the resources that emit the metrics evaluated by the alarm. The selected compartment is also where the alarm is stored.
      • Metric Namespace: Enter the service or application emitting metrics for the resources that you want to monitor.
      • Resource Group (optional): Select the group that the metric belongs to.
      • Metric Name: Enter the name of the metric. Only one metric can be specified.
      • Interval: Select the aggregation window, or the frequency at which data points are aggregated.
      • Statistic: Select the aggregate function.
  4. Confirm the values for Metric dimensions. Optionally, click + Additional dimension to add another dimension to the alarm.
  5. For Trigger rule, complete the Operator, Value, and Trigger delay minutes fields. The graph displays the boundaries for which the alarm triggers a notification.
  6. For Notifications, complete the fields as needed:
    • For Destination service, select Notifications Service.
    • For Compartment, select the compartment to store the topic used for this notification.
    • For Topic, click Create topic to set up a topic and subscription protocol in the designated compartment using the designated Destination service.
    • (Optional) Click + Additional destination service to add another destination service.
    • (Optional) Enable Repeat Notification and select Notification Interval if you want the alarm to resend notifications at the specified intervals when the alarm is in the firing state.
    • (Optional) Enable Suppress Notifications to specify a window of time to suspend evaluations and notifications. This is useful for maintenance periods.
  7. Click Save alarm.

For more information, see Viewing Default Metric Charts.


The Database Migration Jobs Details page provides detailed error information and access to logs for troubleshooting performance.

Database Migration Service Job Log

Database Migration Service generates a log during every migration job.

On the Migration Details page, click Jobs, and then click Download Log to download the log.

Data Pump Logs

On the Migration Details page, click Jobs, and then click Phases under the Resources section.

Should a problem arise during the Data Pump Export or Data Pump Import phases of a migration job, the phase name is displayed as a clickable hyperlink.

There are two ways to access the log:

  • Click the action menu (three dots) and click Download Datapump Log

  • Click the phase name, which opens the View Details panel, on which you can find the Download Datapump Log button.

Error Messages

Error message are reported in the Jobs output log in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration.

If you see errors reported in Job output log, such as ORA and PR*, to understand the cause and action for these errors you can look up the error by code in Oracle Database Error Messages reference at Database Error Messages.

Work Request Details

The Database Migration Jobs Details and Migration Details pages provide a resource work request list.

The Work Requests list allows you to monitor long-running operations such as resource creation, update, validation, cloning, or deletion. Click the work request in the list to go to the Work Request Details page and view more detailed information.

For more information about OCI work requests, see Work Requests

Troubleshooting Connection Creation Failures

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration, if you have a Connection (odms-connection) resource in failed state use the following steps to gather more details about the failure.

  1. Get the connection OCID.

    • Using the OCI Web Console:

      Go to the OCI Console, and open Database Migration Service/Database Connections (for example, https://console.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/odms/registrations).

      Locate the failed Connection in the list, and select Copy OCID from the Actions (three dots) menu.

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

      The compartment OCID where the failed connection was created is required.

      • List all connection resources and find the failure:

        oci database-migration connection list -c `compartmentOCID`
      • If you know the connection display name, you can use it to filter results:

        oci database-migration connection list -c `compartmentOCID` --display-name `connectionDisplayName`
  2. Get the Work Request OCID associated with the connection creation request.

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

      The compartment OCID where the failed connection was created is required. You can find it using database-migration >> work-request >> list as shown in the following example.

      • Use the connection OCID to list the work requests:

        oci database-migration work-request list --resource-id odms-connection-OCID --compartment-id odms-connection-compartment-OCID
      • Use the compartment OCID to list the work requests of the compartment:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-connection-compartment-OCID
      • Use the sort-by option to sort the results by displayName or timeCreated:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-connection-compartment-OCID --sort-by displayName
      • Use the sort-order option with asc or desc:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-connection-compartment-OCID --sort-oder ASC

        Only one sort order can be specified. Default order for --sort-by timeCreated is descending.

    • Using the Database Migration REST API:

      • Use the connection OCID to list the work requests:

        See ListWorkRequests

        GET /20210929/workRequests?resourceId=odms-connection-OCID&compartmentId=odms-connection-compartment-OCID
      • Use the compartment OCID to list the work requests of the compartment:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource
      • Use the sort-by option to sort the results by displayName or timeCreated:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource&sortBy=displayName
      • Use the sort-orderoption with asc or desc:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource&sortOrder=ASC

        Only one sort order can be specified. Default order for --sort-by timeCreated is descending.

  3. Use the work request OCID to get details, logs, and errors related to the failure:

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

    • Using the Database Migration REST API:

      • Use the work request identifier to get the details:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}

        See GetWorkRequest

      • Use the work request identifier to get the errors:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}/errors

        See ListWorkRequestErrors

      • Use the work request identifier to get the logs:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}/logs

        See ListWorkRequestLogs

  4. Inspect the logs and errors in the work request and resolve the issues reported.

For more information about using the API and signing requests, see REST APIs and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface.

Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues for Database Connections

Use this feature to test the connectivity before you create or start the migration.

See Testing Connectivity of a Database Connection for more information.

Troubleshooting Migration Creation Failures

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration, if you have a Migration (odms-migration) resource in failed state use the following steps to gather more details about the failure:

  1. Get the migration OCID.

    • Using the OCI Web Console:

      Go to the OCI Console, and open Database Migration Service/Migrations (for example, https://console.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/odms/migrations).

      Locate the failed Migration in the list, and select Copy OCID from the Actions (three dots) menu.

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

      The compartment OCID where the failed migration was created is required.

      • List all migration resources and find the failure:

        oci database-migration migration list -c `compartmentOCID`

        See database-migration >> migration >> list

      • If you know the migration display name, you can use it to filter results:

        oci database-migration migration list -c `compartmentOCID` --display-name `migrationDisplayName`
  2. Get the Work Request OCID associated with the migration creation request.

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

      The compartment OCID where the failed migration was created is required.

      • Use the migration OCID to list the work requests:

        oci database-migration work-request list --resource-id odms-migration-OCID --compartment-id

        See database-migration >> work-request >> list

      • Use the compartment OCID to list the work requests of the compartment:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-migration-compartment-OCID
      • Use the sort-by option to sort the results by displayName or timeCreated:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-migration-compartment-OCID --sort-by displayName
      • Use the sort-order option with asc or desc:

        oci database-migration work-request list --compartment-id odms-migration-compartment-OCID --sort-oder ASC

        Only one sort order can be specified. Default order for --sort-by timeCreated is descending.

    • Using the Database Migration REST API:

      • Use the migration OCID to list the work requests:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?resourceId=odms-migration-OCID&compartmentId=odms-migration-compartment-OCID

        See ListWorkRequests

      • Use the compartment OCID to list the work requests of the compartment:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource
      • Use the sort-by option to sort the results by displayName or timeCreated:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource&sortBy=displayName
      • Use the sort-orderoption with asc or desc:

        GET /20210929/workRequests?compartmentId=compartment-OCID-of-resource&sortOrder=ASC

        Only one sort order can be specified. Default order for --sort-by timeCreated is descending.

  3. Use the work request OCID to get details, logs, and errors related to the failure:

    • Using Oracle Database Migration Service (database-migration) OCI Command line interface:

    • Using the Database Migration REST API:

      • Use the work request identifier to get the details:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}

        See GetWorkRequest

      • Use the work request identifier to get the errors:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}/errors

        See ListWorkRequestErrors

      • Use the work request identifier to get the logs:

        GET /20210929/workRequests/{workRequestId}/logs

        See ListWorkRequestLogs

  4. Inspect the logs and errors in the work request and resolve the issues reported.

For more information about using the API and signing requests, see REST APIs and Security CredentialsSecurity Credentials. For information about SDKs, see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface.