What’s New for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration

As soon as new and changed features become available, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration is upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically.

Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Database Migration experience.

August 2024

Feature Description

Support for viewing and editing parameter files for online Oracle migrations

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration service provides you a comprehensive feature to view and edit the current Extract or Replicat parameter file belonging to the replication setup for your online migration. See the following topics for more information:
Support for Oracle Database@Azure as a target database The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration service now supports Oracle Database@Azure as a target database. Simply create DMS connection to your Oracle Database@Azure from within the OCI tenancy and run your migration.


You need a standard OCI Tenancy that is linked to your Azure account. For more details, see Oracle Database@Azure.

June 2024

Feature Description

Support for advanced parameters for migrating your Oracle databases into OCI

Database Migration service introduces support for specifying advanced parameters for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate, when performing migration of Oracle databases into OCI. See the following topics for more information:

Support for migrating MySQL databases to the OCI MySQL Heatwave service

Database Migration introduces brand new support for MySQL connections and migrating MySQL databases to the OCI MySQL Heatwave service. See the following topics for more information:
New REST API version

Database Migration introduces a brand new REST API version with a set of APIs to manage connections and migrations for Oracle and MySQL databases. For more information see, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration and Database Migration API.

April 2024

Feature Description

Database Migration Events for OCI Monitoring

You now have the capability to setup rules to get notifications or perform other actions through streaming or functions service based on lifecycle state transition events for Database Migration Service Connections, Migrations, Jobs resources, or through more granular custom events such as Phase state transitions. See Database Migration Events for OCI Monitoring.

Pre-configured notifications

Customers can now create rules to get notifications based on the Database Migration Service events and metrics. This feature allows you to set up alerts quickly and conveniently and be notified of any changes in your Migrations. This includes overall Migration, Connection or Job state changes with optional conditions to achieve further granularity. See Viewing Migration Details.

December 2023

Feature Description

Addition of a new policy template

Database Migration service has added a new policy template in the OCI Identity Policy Builder (Create Policy) section. This will help a tenant administrator to provision all the necessary policies (including the ones for the other dependent OCI services) in one go and allow the users to setup and use migrations. See Required Policies and Creating a Policy.

Support FSS as a transfer medium for Datapump export/import

Database Migration service now supports File storage service. You can now use a shared File Storage Service mount as the transfer medium between the source and the target databases.

See Creating Migrations.

October 2023

Feature Description
GoldenGate Service Integration for replication
In the previous model, you had to deploy a GoldenGate Marketplace image by performing the following steps:
  1. Select the network.
  2. Select the appropriate shape and size of storage volumes.
  3. Generate the key pair.
  4. Locate the database if the target database is an Autonomous database.
  5. Additionally, populate 11 fields during the migration creation in the Database Migration service.

This is now deployed internally by the Database Migration service.

Now you just need to select an option if you want to opt for an online migration during the migration creation.

See Creating Migrations

August 2023

Feature Description
New Overview Page
Database Migration now has an Overview landing page containing a short description of the product and a video link. It also includes:
  • A snippet for the health of the service
  • A dashboard with cards displaying information about migration numbers in the current compartment
  • Documentation section including What's new.

See OCI Database Migration

Database Connection Testing

You can test the connectivity of a database connection and fix any configuration issues before running the migration. You can diagnose connectivity issues such as:

  • Incorrect IP address and/or port
  • Incorrectly declaring a connection public or private
  • Incorrect, expired, or locked database credentials
  • Missing entries in security lists or NSGs to allow communication with Database IP or port
  • Connection failures through FastConnect, VPN, or any other network connectivity issues for your on-premises database

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Migration service runs a network connectivity check followed by JDBC connection or socket connectivity using the database connection data that you provide.

See Testing Connectivity of a Database Connection

Network Security Groups (NSG) support for Database Connections with Private Endpoints

You can now add up to 5 NSGs to a database connection. The advantage of NSGs over Security Lists is that rules can be limited to individual resources within a subnet, whereas Security Lists will apply to all resources within a subnet.

See Viewing Connections

Support migration without SSH to DB Host
The SSH access is optional for non-ADB database connections. The new capability leverages Oracle's built-in procedure that connects to OSS over HTTPS to transfer the dumps.
  • The SSH fields are moved to the advanced options. However, you can still use this method, if required.
  • During migration creation, a new field for an SSL wallet with the required certificates is added.

See Creating Migrations

Bulk include/exclude of migration objects

During migrations, you can now exclude/ include objects in bulk. You can copy and paste text with the list of objects in a comma-separated structure.

See Selecting Objects for Migration

Validation & Migration Errors, Cause, and Resolution

Provides a user-friendly explanation of the errors, a clear cause, and a possible resolution.

See Monitoring Job Status

Replicat performance (replication settings)

The new performance profile simplifies the replicat performance selection. Use HIGH when you have no concurrent workload on target. Use LOW when there’s a concurrent workload on target.

See Configuring Replication Advanced Options

DB Block size (Initial load)

You now have the option to select between database block sizes to auto-create tablespace in the target database during migration in the application rather than manually perform this activity. The options are: 8K and 16K.

See Configuring Initial Load Advanced Options

March 2022

Feature Description
Interactive integration of Cloud Pre-migration Advisor tool (CPAT) results

Database Migration provides you with an interactive validation report with its integration with the Cloud Pre-migration Advisor Tool (CPAT), which consists of a browsable display of CPAT results with suggested actions to address issues reported by CPAT, such as excluding problematic objects.

See Cloud Pre-migration Advisor Tool Report

Dynamic display of excluded objects

Database Migration provides a report of all excluded objects based on static exclusion rules as well as dynamic exclusion settings made by the user.

See the new options in Viewing Migration Details

Support for Oracle Database on Amazon Web Services RDS as a source database

Support for migrating an Oracle Database from Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS to Oracle Autonomous Database using offline migration, including:

  • Select an Oracle RDS source in registered database configuration
  • Select an Amazon S3 as a data transfer medium
  • Download CPAT reports and log files in the same way as other Oracle sources

See Migrating Databases from Amazon Web Services RDS to Oracle Autonomous Database, and the new options in Creating Registered Databases and Creating Migrations

Auto-create tablespaces on the target database

Database Migration automatically discovers the source database tablespaces associated with user schemas that are being migrated, and automatically creates them in the target database before the Data Pump import phase.

See the new options in Configuring Optional Initial Load Advanced Options

October 2021

Feature Description
Non-autonomous databases as targets

You can now migrate to non-autonomous databases in OCI such as DBCS, Exadata Cloud Service, or Oracle Database on OCI Marketplace. The databases must be hosted on the OCI cloud. On-premise, 3rd party cloud, or Exadata Cloud at Customer databases are not supported as targets.

See Target Database Requirements

Graphical integration of CPAT results

The Cloud Pre-migration Advisor Tool (CPAT) is now used to analyze source data for incompatibilities with the target database. You can review a report containing detailed issue descriptions and suggested remedies.

See Configuring Validation Options

Include or exclude database objects from migration

You can now select database schemas, objects, or types to be included or excluded from your migration. Sets of objects or schemas can be defined through regular expressions.

See Selecting Objects for Migration

Error message display and Data Pump log download

Errors during validation and migration jobs are now displayed in detail as part of the job phase. You can also download the Data Pump log for export and import operations for further details.

See Monitoring Job Status

Consolidation of migration states

The state of your migration is now displayed through a consolidated list of state names that indicate the resource's life cycle as well as functional migration states.

See Viewing Migration Details

Documentation Accessibility

Access to Oracle Support