Configure Your Environment

Configure your target environment to enable rclone to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

To configure your target environment:
  1. Create the rclone.conf file in the ~/.config/rclone folder if the file doesn't already exist.
  2. Add the following information to the ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf file to create the remote device configuration for the source.
    type = swift
    env_auth = false
    user = Storage-acme:myuserName
    key = pas$word
    storage_url =
    auth =

    See Get Details of the Source Environment.

    Replace the values for the user, key, storage_url, and auth parameters with the values specific to your source environment. Where:

    • user: Specify the value you that you passed to the X-Storage-User header while requesting an authentication token to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic.
    • key: Specify the password to access your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic account.
    • storage_url: Specify the REST Endpoint URL.
    • auth: Specify the authentication URL that you had passed while requesting an authentication token to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic.
  3. To create the remote device configuration for the destination, add the following information to the ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf file:
    type = s3
    env_auth = false
    access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    secret_access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY
    endpoint =

    Replace the values for the access_key_id, secret_access_key, region and endpoint parameters with the values specific to your target environment. Where:

  4. Verify your configuration.

    The following command uses the remote device configuration for the source to display the existing containers in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic:

    # rclone lsd classic-source:

    The following command uses the remote device configuration for the target to display the existing buckets in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage:

    # rclone lsd oci-dest: