Considerations for Migrating Data Using Rclone

Before you begin, consider the following factors that may impact your migration process.

  • You can't copy multiple containers at a time. You can copy only one container at a time. However, you can copy one or more objects at a time.
  • Metadata and policies aren't copied. This includes:
    • Custom metadata on objects and containers
    • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings
    • Object immutability
    • ACLs on containers
    • Container quotas
  • If you have large objects in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic account, then you should check if the object as well as its segments are stored in the same container. When the same container has the object as well as its segments, Rclone detects this and copies the object correctly without duplicating data.

Consider using the following rclone options in the following scenarios:

  • dry-run: Use this option to validate a migration before start to copy data. Amongst other benefits, this option allows you to check that the specified bucket name is valid.
  • includes, excludes, or filtering: Use these options to include or exclude files to be copied, based on patterns or size.
  • s3-upload-cutoff: Use this option to copy large objects.
  • progress: Use this option to generate a real-time overview of the transfer.
  • transfers: Use this option to utilize your network bandwidth better and increase throughput. You will need to tune this value based on the available bandwidth for your compute shape.