Security Roles

There is an Administrator role at the Account, Identity Domain and Service levels. Administrators can grant this role at their level to other defined users.

There are three roles for each Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service:

  • Service Administrator, who can create, modify and delete Schema Service users and their privileges, both from the Cloud Infrastrucure Console and the Administration area of Schema Service development platform.

  • Developers, who can use the development platform within Schema Service to create applications, but who cannot create, modify or delete users for that Schema Service.

  • End users, who can run applications within Schema Service, when optional custom authorization scheme is enabled.

When Schema Service is added to an Identity Domain, three individual roles which map to these levels are created within the Identity Domain. The Account Administrator and Identity Domain Administrator are automatically given the Service Administrator role for the initial Schema Service, but all other roles have to be explicitly assigned from the Cloud Infrastrucure Console.