Access External Docker Registries

If you use an external Docker registry, such as DockerHub or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR), you can link the registry to your project and browse its repositories and images from Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS).

A Docker Registry is a server-side application that stores and enables you to distribute Docker images. To find more about Docker images, see

Link an External Docker Registry to Your Project

the project owner icon You must be assigned the project Owner role to link an external Docker registry to your project.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Repositories.
  3. In Docker Registries, click + Link External Registry.
    To view all linked Docker registries, expand Linked External Docker Registries.
  4. In Registry Name and Short Description, enter a unique Docker registry name and a description.
  5. In Registry URL, enter the URL of the Docker registry. For example:
    To link the DockerHub registry, leave the field empty.

    To link to OCIR, enter the registry path in the https://<ocir_region_code> format. For example: If your region is Ashburn, enter To know the region codes, see Availability by Region Name and Region Code.

  6. In Authentication, select the authentication type
    • Basic (default): Select and enter the basic username and password details in Username and Password.

      To connect to OCIR, enter the username of the OCI user who can access OCIR in the<tenancy_name>/<oci_user_name> format. For example, mytenancy/myociuser. In password, enter the OCI user's auth token. See Getting an Auth Token.

    • OAuth2: Select and enter the long-lived access token as the authentication in Auth Token. Don’t enter a short-lived access token.

      For more information about OAuth2 in Docker, see

    • Anonymous: Select if the registry can be accessed anonymously and doesn’t require an authentication.
  7. Click Create.
After verifying the credentials and the URL, the registry is added to the Linked External Docker Registries section. You can browse its repositories and images from the Docker Docker Registry page.

Browse a Linked Docker Registry

While browsing a registry, you can view its repositories and images, download its image manifest file, copy pull and push commands, and delete an image tag.

To browse repositories of a linked Docker registry, select it from the Docker Registry drop-down list.
Action How To

View images of a repository

Open the Docker registry repository and click the repository name. To view tags of an image, click an image tag.

Download the image manifest of a repository

  1. Open the Docker registry repository.

  2. In Image Tags, click the image tag.

  3. On the right side, in the Info section of Tag Details, click Download the Download icon.

  4. Save the file to your computer.

Copy pull and push commands

To get images of a repository, you use the docker pull command. To upload the images, you use the docker push command. You can use these commands while configuring a build job that connects to the Docker registry.

  1. Open the Docker registry repository.

  2. In Image Tags, click the image tag.

  3. On the right side, in the Docker Command section, pull and push commands are displayed.

    In the Pull tab, click Copy Copy to copy the docker pull commands to the clipboard. In the Push tab, click Copy Copy to copy the docker push commands to the clipboard.

Delete an image tag

  1. Open the Docker registry repository.

  2. In Image Tags, mouse over the tag you want to delete, and click Delete.

  3. In the Confirm Delete dialog, select the I understand that my selected tag will be permanently deleted check box, and click Yes.