Manage Software Development Environments

An environment lets you define and manage Oracle Cloud PaaS and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service instances as a single entity.

You might create an environment for your QA team with an Oracle Database Cloud Service instance to host data, say, and maybe an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to deploy the application to and run Selenium tests. You could then create a Stage environment that uses the same Oracle Database Cloud Service instance as the QA environment, but a different Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to deploy the application to. You can also instantly see the health of all service instances comprising each environment right on the Project Home page or on the Environments page, without having to stop what you’re working on to go out to Oracle Cloud My Services page.

You can access and manage the project’s environments from the Environments page. You can create and delete environments, and add or remove service instances from existing environments. You can also update the details of the environment and view the details of its service instances. For each environment, the Service Instance tab lets you capture information in a single place so you won’t have to hunt for it later, such as the health status of service instances, their account names, tags, and service IDs. The Details tab displays its details such as name, description, and tags of the selected environment.

Tags associate a service instance to an environment. When you add a service instance to an environment, a new tag is created, but you may remove it and add your own tag or use the service instance’s tag. Open the service console to see the tags (if any) of its instances.

If a tag is used in multiple environments of the same project or other projects, all service instances associated with the tag are automatically available in those environments. Removing a tag from an environment removes service instances using the same tag from other environments too.

Set Up an Environment

You can create an environment and add service instances to it from different identity domains. For example, you can add an Oracle Database Cloud Service instance from one identity domain and an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance from another identity domain.

To add or remove a service instance, you need credentials of a user who is assigned the administrator role for the service type. To assign or modify roles, see Modifying Identity Cloud Service User Roles in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud.
  1. In the navigation bar, click Environments Environments.
  2. Click Create (or Create Environment if the page is empty).
  3. In Environment Name, enter a unique name. In Description, enter a description.
  4. Click Create.
  5. In the Service Instances tab, click Add.
  6. In the Add Service Instances dialog box, select the check boxes of service instances and click Add.
    By default, the dialog box shows the service instances that you can access from the current identity domain. To search for services from another identity domain or account, click Edit and enter the details in the popup that opens.

    To search for services in a traditional account, enter the identity domain name. To search for a service in an IDCS account, enter the Identity Service ID in the idcs-<hexadecimalID> format. You can find the identity domain name or the Identity Service ID from the service details page that you open from My Services Dashboard.

  7. In the Add Environment Tags dialog box, specify tags to associate the selected service instances to the environment, and click Add.
    By default, a tag is provided, but you may remove it and add your own tags. Spaces aren’t allowed. Press Enter after adding each new tag.
  8. If necessary, repeat steps 4-6 to find and add service instances from different identity domains and data centers.

Manage an Environment

After creating an environment, you can add and manage its instances.

This table lists actions you can perform to manage an environment and its instances.

Action How To

Edit the name and description of an environment

In the Details tab, click Edit. Edit the details and click Save.

Manage environment definition queries

An environment may contain service instances from multiple identity domains and a definition query defines the instances of an identity domain. To see the details of those identity domains or edit them, click Manage Environment Definition the Gear icon.

From the Manage Definition Environment dialog box, click New to add a new identity domain query, or click Action the Menu icon to edit or delete an existing query.

Start, stop, or restart an instance

In the Service Instances tab, mouse-over the service instance, click Action the Action Menu icon, and select Start, Stop, or Restart.

To check the status of the service, select Refresh Status from the Action the Action Menu icon menu.

Remove a service instance from an environment

To remove a service instance from an environment, remove its tags.

In the Service Instances tab, mouse-over the service instance, click Action the Action Menu icon, and select Remove. In the Remove Service Instance dialog box, select the check boxes of tags to remove. In Password, enter the password of the user whose username is displayed in the dialog box, and click Remove.

Delete an environment

In the environments list, mouse-over the environment, click Action the Action Menu icon, and select Delete.

Remember that service instances of the environment aren’t deleted.