Collaborate on Documentation Using Wikis

You can use Wikis to collaborate on your projects’ documentation.

Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS) supports these Wiki markup languages:

  • Confluence


  • Textile


  • Markdown


Project users can use the project's Wiki markup language to format content in wiki pages, and in issue and merge request comments.

Create and Manage Wiki Pages

From the Wiki page, you can create and open wiki pages, add child wiki pages, add attachments, and delete or restore deleted wiki pages. From the Wiki Drafts page, you can open and edit saved drafts, publish drafts, and delete any drafts that are no longer needed.

In the navigation bar, click Wiki Wiki to create and manage wiki pages. Any project user can create a wiki page. For a page that you didn't create, depending on the edit and delete access set by the creator of the wiki page, you may or may not be able to edit or delete it. If you’re a project owner, you can always do that.
Action How To

Create a wiki page

  1. On the Wiki page, click + Create Page.

  2. In the Page Text tab, enter the content.

    Use the project’s wiki markup language to format the contents. To open the markup language’s cheat sheet, click the reference link above the text area.

  3. Click Save to publish the new page.

    Click Close and you'll be allowed to retain a draft of the page you were working on or delete the draft and discard your work.

Open a wiki page

To open a wiki page, click the wiki page title.

If a wiki page has child wiki pages, click child menu next to the wiki page title and select the child wiki page name to open it.

Edit a wiki page

To edit a page, click Edit. If a saved draft for the page exists, select Resume editing to display the draft with the last saved changes or select New Edit to start editing the published page. Use the wiki’s markup language to format the contents. To open the markup language’s cheat sheet, click the reference link above the text area.

If the project is using the Markdown markup language:
  • Use # followed by the issue ID to add a reference to the issue. Example: #12 creates a link the issue ID 12.

  • Use ! followed by the merge request ID to add a reference to the merge request. Example: !34 creates a link to the merge request ID 34.

  • See for the complete list of supported emoticons and text patterns.

Edit a draft of a wiki page

  1. On the Wiki page, click My drafts.
  2. Locate the draft of the wiki page you want to edit and click Edit the Edit icon under Actions.

Create a child wiki page

  1. Open the parent wiki page.

  2. Click New Child.

You can also create a child wiki page without opening or creating its parent wiki. On the Wiki page, click New Page. In Page Title, enter the path of the child wiki page. For example, to create a HelloWorld child page of the Welcome page, enter Welcome/HelloWorld in the title. If the Welcome page doesn't exist, DevCS creates both Welcome and HelloWorld pages. Open the empty Welcome wiki page and click Create to create the wiki page and add contents to it.

Add an attachment

You can attach files of any type to a wiki page, including images, videos, docs, spreadsheets, and archived files.

  1. Open the wiki page or the draft in the edit mode.

  2. Click the Attachments tab.

  3. In the Files to Attach or Update section, click Select. Browse and select files to attach.

    You can also drag and drop files to the drop area.

  4. Click Attach.

  5. Click Save.

Publish a draft of a wiki page

  1. On the Wiki Drafts page, locate the draft of the wiki page you want to publish.

  2. Click Publish the Upload icon under Actions.

    A draft of a new page can only be published if it contains a path. A draft of an existing page can only be published if the draft contains changes from the underlying page.

Delete a wiki page

  1. Open the wiki page

  2. Click Delete.

  3. In the Delete Wiki Page dialog box, select the I understand that my wiki page will be permanently deleted check box and click Delete.

The wiki page along with its comments is deleted. An activity with a link to restore the wiki page (if necessary) is added to the recent activities feed of the Project Home page.

If you delete a parent wiki page, its child wiki pages aren’t deleted. The parent wiki page name continues to appear in the breadcrumb path.

To delete a draft of a wiki page, from the Wiki Drafts page, click Delete the X icon under Actions. In the Delete Wiki Page dialog box, select the I understand that my wiki draft will be permanently deleted check box, and click Delete draft.

Restore a wiki page

  1. Click the deleted wiki name in the recent activity feed or any other wiki page where it was referenced.

  2. Click Restore.

The wiki page along with comments and attachments restores to its original path.

To restore a parent wiki page, open it and click Restore.

Add Comments

You can add general or block comments to a wiki page. You must be a project member to add comments. In a shared project, any organization user can add comments.

Action How To

Add a generic comment

  1. Open the wiki page.

  2. Scroll down to the Comments section. In the Write tab, enter your comment, and click Comment.

    You can use the project’s wiki markup language to format your comment.

The comment appears in a conversation box along with icons to Reply Reply, Edit Edit, and Delete Delete.

You can’t edit comments entered by other users. You can’t delete a parent comment if there are any child comments, or delete comments entered by other users.

Add a block comment

A block comment is a comment that you add to a content block, such as a paragraph or a table.

  1. Open the wiki page.

  2. Move the mouse pointer to the right edge of the block, and click Add Comment the Comment icon.

    If you see a number on the right edge of the block, it indicates the number of existing comments of the block. Click the number to view the comments and then click Leave a comment.

  3. In the popup, add your comment, and click Post.

When you add a block comment, a watch is set on the wiki page and you automatically get email notifications of future comments and updates.

To hide the comment, click the comment number or Hide the close icon. To edit or delete the comment, click the number and then click Edit or Delete.

If you edit, format, or move a content block, its comments move automatically. If you remove a content block, its comments are deleted too and can’t be restored. If you merge a block with another, the comments of the source block will be hidden, but the comments of the target block remain visible. When you the split the source block from the target block and move it back its original position, the hidden comments reappear.

Watch a Wiki Page

You can set a watch on a wiki page and receive email notifications whenever someone updates the page or adds a comment.

To receive email notifications, in the User Preferences page, click the Notifications tab, and then select Wiki page updates and comments.
Action How To

Watch a wiki page

  1. Open the wiki page.

  2. Click Watch Wiki.

  3. In the menu, select the Watch Page check box.

The button’s label changes to Watching. To stop watching the page, click Watching, and deselect the Watch Page check box.

Watch all pages of the project

On the Wiki page, click Watch Wiki.

The button label changes to Watching. To stop watching all pages, click Watching.

View History and Compare Versions of a Wiki Page

Each time you save a wiki page, Oracle Developer Cloud Service creates a version of it. You can view the contents of the wiki page of a previous version, compare any two versions, restore the wiki page to a particular version, or delete a particular version.

Action How To

View the history of a wiki page and its versions

  1. Open the wiki page.

  2. Click the Page History tab.

View the contents of an old version

In the Page History tab, in the version number row, click View.

Compare two versions

In the Page History tab, select the check boxes of versions, and click Compare selected versions.

Restore the wiki to a version

In the Page History tab, in the version number row, click Restore this version. In the Revert Wiki Page dialog box, select the I understand that my wiki page will be updated to this revisions' content check box and click Yes.

Restoring a page creates a new version of the page with the contents from the version you want to restore. You can’t restore a wiki page if you don’t have its edit access.

Wiki Administration

Wiki page creators, project owners, or Organization Administrators can make some administrative updates for wikis. These updates include changing edit and delete access rights for a wiki page, changing a project’s wiki markup language, or changing an organization’s default wiki markup language.

Configure Edit and Delete Rights for Wiki Pages

Edit access enables users to edit the wiki content, create child pages, or restore a deleted version. Delete access enables users to delete a wiki page, or delete a version from the Page History tab.

You can assign the access to a project role, not to a particular user. Project owners can always edit or delete a wiki page and assign access to other roles. If you created a wiki page, you can also assign its edit and delete access to other roles.

If you're a project member, note that for a wiki page that you create and allow other users to edit its access rights, you could lose your edit or delete rights for the page if another user changes the edit or delete rights to Owners only.

  1. Open the wiki page.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the Access Rights tab.
  4. From the Edit Access list or the Delete Access list, select the project role. By default, it’s set to Members and Owners.
    Select this option ... To assign the access to ...


    All organization users. Use this option to enable all users to edit or delete the page.

    Members and Owners

    All project users. In a shared project, organization users can view the wiki page, but can’t edit or delete it.


    Project owners only. Project members can view the page, but can’t edit or delete it. In a shared project, organization users can also view the wiki page, but can’t edit or delete it.

  5. Click Save.

Change a Project’s Wiki Markup Language

The wiki markup language of a project is defined when the project is created. You can change the markup language for the new pages and comments, but note that the existing wiki pages and comments continue to use their original wiki markup language.

the project owner icon You must be assigned the project Owner role to change a project’s wiki markup language.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. In the Properties page, from Markup Language, select the wiki markup language.

When you’re finished, use the project navigation bar to switch to another page.

Set the Organization’s Default Wiki Markup Language

When you create a new project, the project creation wizard displays the default wiki markup language of the organization. If you don’t change the wiki markup language, the default markup language is used as the project’s markup language. You can change the default markup language for new projects, but note that existing projects continue to use their original markup language.

the organization administrator icon You must be the Organization Administrator to set or change the organization’s default wiki markup language.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Properties tab.
  3. In Markup Language, select the default wiki markup language.