Return a single issue



Retrieve and return an issue by its identifier (ID). If a comma-separated list of field names is provided with the "fields" query parameter, only those fields are returned.


Path Parameters
Type: integer (int32)
Required: true
The ID of the issue.
Query Parameters
Type: string
A comma-separated list of the names of the fields to return.


200 Response
successful operation
Root Schema : Issue
Type: object
Nested Schema : attachments
Type: array
Nested Schema : ccs
Type: array
Nested Schema : comments
Type: array
Nested Schema : commits
Type: array
Nested Schema : Component
Type: object
Nested Schema : customFields
Type: object
Nested Schema : duplicates
Type: array
Nested Schema : User
Type: object
Nested Schema : Priority
Type: object
Nested Schema : Product
Type: object
Nested Schema : Release
Type: object
Nested Schema : Resolution
Type: object
Nested Schema : Severity
Type: object
Nested Schema : Sprint
Type: object
Nested Schema : Status
Type: object
Nested Schema : subIssues
Type: array
Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
Nested Schema : timeSpent
Type: array
Nested Schema : Attachment
Type: object
Nested Schema : attachmentData
Type: array
Nested Schema : IssueHandle
Type: object
Nested Schema : Comment
Type: object
Nested Schema : components
Type: array
Nested Schema : releases
Type: array
Nested Schema : releaseTags
Type: array
Nested Schema : ReleaseTag
Type: object
Nested Schema : Tag
Type: object
Nested Schema : TimeSpent
Type: object
404 Response
Issue Not Found
Root Schema : RestException
Type: object
Nested Schema : Throwable
Type: object
Nested Schema : stackTrace
Type: array
Nested Schema : suppressed
Type: array
Nested Schema : stackTrace
Type: array
Nested Schema : suppressed
Type: array
Nested Schema : StackTraceElement
Type: object