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ABSOLUTE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
Status of the timestamp mode when absolute mode is applied.
Action - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents a message action.
Action(String, String, Action.ActionType) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Creates an action of a given type
Action(String, String, Action.ActionType, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Creates an action of a given type
ACTION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type action
Action.ActionType - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
The types of action
ActionFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
ActionFieldEntity(Action, String, JSONObject, int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ActionFieldEntity
Creates and Initializes an ActionFieldEntity object.
actionsLayout(ActionsLayout) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Property used to configure the orientation of actions.
ActionsLayout - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
ActionsLayout(LayoutOrientation, LayoutOrientation, LayoutOrientation, LayoutOrientation) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Initialize the ActionLayouts object.
addProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Adds custom properties to the user.
AgentDetails - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
AgentDetails(String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the agent details.
AgentDetails(String, int, Object, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the agent details.
Attachment - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the attachment for an attachment message payload.
Attachment(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
Creates the attachment for an attachment message payload
Attachment(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
Creates the attachment for an attachment message payload
ATTACHMENT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Attachment
AttachmentMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of an attachment message.
AttachmentMessagePayload(Attachment) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
Creates an object for an attachment message payload
AttachmentMessagePayload(Attachment, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
Creates an object for an attachment message payload
AttachmentMessagePayload(Attachment, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
Creates an object for an attachment message payload
AttachmentMessagePayload(Attachment, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
Creates an object for an attachment message payload
AUDIO - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
An media of type audio
AUDIO - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Menu item to share audio files
AuthenticationTokenProvider - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
An interface that is used to generate a new authentication token.
authTokenProvider(AuthenticationTokenProvider) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
An instance of type AuthenticationTokenProvider that is used to generate the authentication token when required.


BaseFieldEntity - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
BaseMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An abstract class that represents the message payload.
BaseMessagePayload() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
BaseMessagePayload(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Initializes an object created using different message payload classes.
BaseMessagePayload(String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Initializes an object created using different message payload classes.
BaseMessagePayload(String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Initializes an object created using different message payload classes.
BaseMessagePayload(List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Initializes an object created using different message payload classes.
BaseMessagePayload(List<Action>, List<Action>, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Initializes an object created using different message payload classes.
beforeDisplay(Message) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.MessageModifierDelegate
Method called before displaying the message on the UI.
beforeEndConversation(Message, EndConversationCompletionHandler) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.MessageModifierDelegate
Method called before ending the session.
beforeNotification(Message) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.MessageModifierDelegate
Method called before triggering the notification.
beforeSend(Message) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.MessageModifierDelegate
Method called before sending message to chat server.
Bots - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The SDK entry point from which various services can be accessed.
Bots() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
BotsCallback - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
An interface to receive the status of the SDK initialization.
BotsCallback.Response - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
An object which represents the response of SDK initialization.
BotsConfiguration - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Configures the features to be enabled on SDK initialization.
BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Builder class to configure the features to be enabled on SDK initialization.
BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Customizes the notifications triggered by the SDK.
BotsConfigurationBuilder(String, boolean, Context) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Creates an object for builder class to configure the SDK features with given parameters.
BotsConfigurationBuilder(String, Context) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Creates an object for the builder class to configure the SDK features.
BotsSDKException - Exception in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Exception thrown while initializing the SDK if any error occurs
BotsSDKException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsSDKException
BotsSpeechModel - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The message model for the recognition results received from the speech server
BotsSpeechModel(JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsSpeechModel
Parses the recognition result received from the speech server
BROWSER - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewLinkHandlerType
Assigns value Browser to WebViewLinkHandler.
build() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder


CALL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type Call
CallAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the action of type Call.
CallAction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CallAction
Creates an action of type 'call'
CallAction(String, String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CallAction
Creates an action of type 'call'
CAMERA - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Menu item to capture images using camera if supported by the device
cancel() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Stops any ongoing speech synthesis
cancelTTS() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Stops reading the skill's response aloud.
Card - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the card for a card message payload.
Card(String, String, String, String, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Creates the card for a card message payload
Card(String, String, String, String, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Creates the card for a card message payload
CARD - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Card
CardLayout - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
The card layout orientation types
CardMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of a card message.
CardMessagePayload(CardLayout, String, String, List<Card>, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
Creates an object for a card message.
CardMessagePayload(CardLayout, String, String, List<Card>, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
Creates an object for a card message.
CardMessagePayload(CardLayout, List<Card>, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
Creates an object for a card message.
changeAppLocaleBackToParentLocale() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
channelId(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The ID of the Oracle Android channel.
ChatLanguageChangeListener - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
clearButtonColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
clearButtonIcon(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
clearButtonLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
clearButtonLabelColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
ClearConversationCallback - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
An interface to receive the status of Bots.clearConversationHistory(ClearConversationCallback) API call
clearConversationHistory() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Clears the conversation history.
clearConversationHistory(ClearConversationCallback) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Clears the conversation history.
clearUnreadCount() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Resets the count of the unread messages to 0
close() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Closes the conversation view
CLOSE_SESSION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload for close session
CloseSessionMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
CloseSessionMessagePayload() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CloseSessionMessagePayload
connect() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Reconnects the SDK with previous BotsConfiguration.
connect(BotsConfiguration) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Reconnects the SDK with new BotsConfiguration
CONNECTED - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ConnectionStatus
Status of the connection on successfully establishing the connection
CONNECTING - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ConnectionStatus
Status of the connection while attempting to connect to server
ConnectionStatus - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The connection status
ConversationActivity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui
The activity which is responsible for conversation between the skill and the user.
ConversationActivity() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
convertFieldsFromJSONArrayToArrayList(JSONArray) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
Convert the JSONArray fields received within the message payload to ArrayList of FieldEntity
createEditableFieldFromJSON(String, String, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Creates the different read-only fields objects based on the display type of field.
createFieldsEntityObjectFromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
Creates a field entity object from field received as JSON
createFormEntityObjectFromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
createHeadingEntityObjectFromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
createPaginationObjectFromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
createReadOnlyFieldFromJSON(String, String, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Creates the different read-only fields objects based on the display type of field.
createRowEntityObjectFromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity


DATE_PICKER - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type datePicker
DatePickerFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
DatePickerFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Initializes the object created by this class
DEFAULT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
As of release 22.02, replaced by TimestampMode.ABSOLUTE
DEFAULT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.SDKUITheme
Default Theme
destroy() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Terminates all the SDK facilities.
deviceToken(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A property that is used to set the fcm device token used by the application.
disablePastActions(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A field for disabling the button clicks on the messages that a user has already interacted with.
disconnect() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Disconnect the SDK
DISCONNECTED - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ConnectionStatus
Status of the connection on closing or failing to establish the connection
displayPreviousMessages(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable/disbale display of local conversation history.


EditableFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
EditableFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Initializes an object created using subclasses of this class.
EDITFORM - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Table Form
EditFormMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
EditFormMessagePayload(ArrayList<FieldEntity>, String, int, String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Initializes the Edit form message payload object
EditFormMessagePayload(ArrayList<FieldEntity>, String, int, String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Initializes the Edit form message payload object
enableAgentSneakPreview - Variable in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
enableAgentSneakPreview(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the sneak preview for the user messages on agent side.
enableArrowsForHorizontalCards(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the arrow for horizontal card messages.
enableAttachment(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to configure attachment sharing in chat view.
enableAttachmentSecurity(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Enables sending security headers with attachment upload requests for client auth enable conversations.
enableClearMessage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the clear message button on the chat view header.
enableDefaultClientResponse(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the timeout messages in case of delay in responses from skill.
enableEndConversation(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable end session, which can be used to reset the session in the middle of conversation.
enableForegroundService(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
As of 24.04, the foreground service has been removed.
enableNotification(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to show notifications after receiving a message, when the application is in background.
enableNotificationSound(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to play the notification sound when receiving new skill messages while the chat view is open.
enableNotificationSoundSetting(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the notification sound setting button on the chat view header.
enableRichText(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
enableSendTypingStatus - Variable in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
enableSendTypingStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to send the typing status of the user.
enableSpeechRecognition(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the speech recognition service to convert user voice to text messages.
enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to automatically send speech response to the chat server.
enableSpeechSynthesis(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of skill's audio response button on chat view header.
enableTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
As of release 22.02, refer TimestampMode to enable or disable timestamp
endChat() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Ends the current session of user.
ERROR - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Error
ErrorMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of an error message.
ErrorMessagePayload(String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ErrorMessagePayload
Creates an object for the error message payload
EventListener - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Delegate to listen for the connection status change, message received from skill, and attachment upload status events.


FeedbackMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
FeedbackMessagePayload(String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FeedbackMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
FieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
FieldEntity(String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
Initializes an object created using different field entity concrete classes.
FILE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Menu item to share documents or any other files
FileWrapper - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the attachment uploaded by the user.
FileWrapper(byte[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FileWrapper
Creates an object for the attachment uploaded by the user
FORM - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Form
FORM_SUBMISSION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type form submission
FormEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
FormEntity() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
FormMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
FormMessagePayload(JSONArray, int, JSONObject, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
FormSubmissionMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
FormSubmissionMessagePayload(JSONObject, JSONObject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
FULL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewSizeWindow
Size of the Webview window when default webview size is applied.


Geolocation - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the location coordinates of a location message.
Geolocation(double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Creates an object for the location coordinates of a location message.
Geolocation(double, double, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Creates an object for the location coordinates of a location message.
getAction() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ActionFieldEntity
getActions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The list of actions associated with the message
getActions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
The list of actions associated with the card
getActions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
getActions() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The list of actions associated with the message
getActionsLayout() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Property used for setting orientation of actions
getActionType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
The action type for the action
getAge() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
The user's age
getAgentDetails() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the current agent details for a particular agent session.
getAlignment() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
getAlignment() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Returns the alignment of the field
getAllConversations() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the list of the conversation messages.
getArrayListFromJSON(JSONArray) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
getAttachment() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
The attachment sent by the skill or user
getAuthToken() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AuthenticationTokenProvider
Generates and returns the authentication token
getAvatarBackgroundColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Returns the agent avatar background color.
getAvatarImage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Returns the agent avatar.
getAvatarTextColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Returns the text color resource id used for initials of agent name.
getBotsConfiguration() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the configuration object that's used to initialize the SDK with enabled features.
getCard() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Returns the orientation of card actions layout.
getCards() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
The list of cards received in the message payload
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Returns the channel extensions in the action
getChannelExtensions() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity
The channel-specific property of field entity
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Returns the channel extensions in the message payload
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Returns the channel extensions in the card
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
The channel-specific property of field entity
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
getChannelExtensions() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
Returns the channel extensions in the message payload
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity
getChannelExtensions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
getChannelId() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Returns the SDK notification channel Id.
getChannelName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Returns the SDK notification channel name.
getClearButtonColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getClearButtonIcon() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getClearButtonLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getClearButtonLabelColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getClientErrorMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
The message used when client-side validation fails.
getConfidence() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsSpeechModel
The confidence score for the recognized result
getConnectionStatus() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the current status of the WebSocket's connection to the skill.
getCreatedDate() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
The timestamp of the message
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
The sender of the message.
getCurrentRangeSize() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getCurrentUser() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Returns the object representing the current user.
getData() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FileWrapper
The byte array of the uploaded attachment
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Returns The initial value for this field, format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Returns the initial option values that should be selected.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Returns the initial value of the field
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Returns the initial option value that should be selected
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns the initial value for this field
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Returns the initial value for this field, format must be HH:mm
getDefaultValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns the initial selected value.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Returns the SDK notification channel description
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
The description of the card
getDeviceToken() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A field for fcm device token that will be used to send push notification, in case the web socket is dis-connected.
getDisablePastActions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A field for disabling the button clicks on the messages that a user has already interacted with.
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ActionFieldEntity
getDisplayType() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity
The type of field entity
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
The type of field entity
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LinkFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getDisplayType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns The type of the field
getEmail() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
String representing the user's email
getErrorMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback.Response
Accessor method for the error message of the response
getErrorMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Returns A form-level error message that can be included when the user has submitted invalid data and the error cannot be linked to an individual field
getFields() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Returns an ArrayList of fields, this can be both read-only and editable fields
getFields() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
getFields() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity
getFileName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
As of 23.10, replaced by Attachment.getTitle()
getFirstName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
String representing the user's first name
getFooterText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The footer text received in the message payload
getFooterText() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The footer text received in the message payload
getForm() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Returns the orientation of form actions layout.
getFormColumns() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Returns the number of columns in Editable Form message payload
getFormColumns() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
getFormColumns() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getForms() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
getForms() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getGeoLocation() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
The GPS location coordinates
getGlobal() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Returns the orientation of global actions layout.
getGlobalActions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The list of global actions associated with the message
getGlobalActions() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The list of global actions associated with the message
getGoogleMapsApiKey() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The Google Maps API key that's used to display a location preview image for Location messages.
getHeaderText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The header text received in the message payload
getHeaderText() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The header text received in the message payload
getHeadings() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getHeadings() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
getId() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Returns the id of the field
getId() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
getImageUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
The image to display for the action
getImageUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
The URL of the image displayed on the card
getImageUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
getInputStyle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns Hint for the input style that should be enforced in the client.
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
The label to display for the action
getLabel() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity
The label of field entity
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
The label of field entity
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SupportedLanguage
getLabelOff() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns the label for the "off" value.
getLabelOn() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns the label for the "on" value
getLang() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SupportedLanguage
getLastName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
String representing the user's last name
getLatitude() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
The GPS coordinate's latitude value
getLayout() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
The layout orientation received in the message payload
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
The layout style used to render the multi select options.
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Returns the layout style used to render the single select options.
getLength() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FileWrapper
The size of the uploaded attachment
getLinkHandler() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A field for disbaling/enabling webview.
getLinkLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LinkFieldEntity
Returns the label used on the hyperlink
getLocal() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Returns the orientation of local actions layout.
getLongitude() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
The GPS coordinate's longitude value
getMaxDate() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Returns the maximum date allowed, format must be YYYY-MM-DD
getMaxLength() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns the minimum length of input that the user must provide.
getMaxTime() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Returns the maximum time allowed, the format must be HH:mm
getMaxValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Returns the maximum value of the field
getMediaType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsSDKException
Error message
getMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ErrorMessagePayload
The error message
getMessageModifierDelegate() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
An instance of MessageModifierDelegate that is used to receive callbacks before certain events in the conversation.
getMetadata() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The metadata for the message
getMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The metadata for the message
getMinDate() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Returns the minimum date allowed, format must be YYYY-MM-DD
getMinLength() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns the minimum length of input that the user must provide.
getMinTime() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Returns The minimum time allowed, the format must be HH:mm
getMinValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Returns the minimum value of the field
getMultiLangChat() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
getMultiLangChatConfiguration() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
getName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Returns the agent name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FileWrapper
The name of the uploaded file along with its extension
getNameTextColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Returns the color resource id used for agent name.
getNextRangeSize() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getNotificationCustomizer() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
An instance of BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer used to customize the notifications triggered from SDK.
getOptions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Returns a list of options for the users
getOptions() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Returns a list of options for the users
getOriginalMessagePayload() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
The original message received from the sill
getPaginationInfo() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
getPaginationInfo() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getPaginationInfo() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
getPartialSubmitField() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
getPartyType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Returns party type of the message whether system or user
getPayload() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
The payload of the message
getPayload() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RawMessagePayload
The payload of the raw message
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CallAction
The phone number to call
getPlaceholder() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Returns the description of the input desired.
getPostback() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
getPostback() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
The postback object of the message
getPostback() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SubmitFormAction
getPostBack() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackAction
The postback object associated with the action
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Map representing the user's custom properties
getRangeSize() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getRangeStart() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getReconnectAttemptsExhausted() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the number of attempts exhausted for establishing connection.
getReconnectMaxAttempts() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
getRows() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getRows() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
getSDKTheme() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
getServerConnectionConfig() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The configuration object needed for establishing the connection
getServerErrorMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Returns Error message that can be send back when server-side validation of a form field value fails.
getShareMenuItems() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The list of items to be shown on the share menu when enableAttachment is set to true.
getShareText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ShareAction
The text to be shared with other apps
getShowFormButtonLabel() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getSource() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Returns source of the message
getSpeechId() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
The request Id received in the response from speech server
getSpeechLocale() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The locale used for speech connection.
getSpeechSynthesisVoicePreferences() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The voice preferences array which is used to choose the best match available voice for speech synthesis.
getSpeechSynthesisVoicePreferences() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
The voice preferences array which is used to choose the best match available voice for speech synthesis.
getStatus() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getStatus() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Returns status of the message whether LISTENING or RESPONDING.
getStatusCode() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback.Response
Accessor method for the status code of the response
getSubmittedFields() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
getSubtitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A property that is used as the subtitle of the chat view, which is displayed below the title on the chat view header.
getText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
The text of the message
getText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Returns the typing-text that is sent in with the status message.
getText() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
The text sent by the skill or user.
getTextForSpeechSynthesis() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
As of release 21.06. Call startBotAudioResponse(Message) API present in Bots, which converts messages to string and reads it.
getTimestampFormat() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The format in which the message timestamps are displayed if customized by the user using timestampFormat.
getTimestampType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A property that is used as the title of the chat view displayed on the chat view header.
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Returns the SDK notification title.
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
The name of an attachment
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
The title of the card
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
A title for the location
getTotalCount() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
getTTSService() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The Text to Speech synthesis service that's used to perform speech synthesis.
getTTSVoice() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the voice that is used for speaking the utterances.
getTTSVoices() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns list of all voices present in speech engine used to initialise Speech Synthesis Service object.
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
The type of an attachment
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.AttachmentMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
The type of message payload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CloseSessionMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Returns the message type of EditForm message Payload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ErrorMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
getType() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
The type of message payload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RawMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SessionCloseMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
getType() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
getTypingIndicatorTimeout() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The number of seconds after which the typing indicator is automatically removed if the chat view has not yet received the response.
getTypingStatusInterval() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Time interval in seconds after which the typing status along with the sneak preview will be send from sdk to agent
getUnreadCount() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Returns the count of unread messages.
getUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
The URL of an attachment
getUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
The URL of a website that is opened when taping on the card
getUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
A URL for displaying a map of the location
getUrl() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.UrlAction
The URL of the website to open
getUserId() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
String representing the user's userId.
getUtterance() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsSpeechModel
The recognized text received from the speech server
getValidationRegularExpression() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns the regular expression indicating the required format of this text input.
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardLayout
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
getValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Returns the value of the field
getValue() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
getValue() - Method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
getValueOff() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns the value when toggle is off
getValueOn() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Returns the value when toggle is on
getVoice() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Returns the voice that is used for speaking the utterances.
getVoices() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Returns list of all voices present in speech engine used to initialise Speech Synthesis Service object.
getWebViewConfig() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The Configuration object needed for setting different attributes in a webview.
getWebviewHeaderColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getWebViewSize() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getWebviewTitleColor() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
getWidth() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
getWidth() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Returns the width of the field
getYouTubeApiKey() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
The YouTube API key that's used to enable the streaming of YouTube videos.
googleMapsApiKey(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The Google Maps API key that's used to display a location preview image for Location messages.


HeadingEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
HeadingEntity() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
HeadingEntity(int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
HeadingEntity(int, String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
HORIZONTAL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardLayout
The horizontal orientation of card layout


IBotsSpeechListener - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Delegate to listen the events related to the speech recognition.
IMAGE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
An media of type image
init(Application, String, String, String, BotsCallback) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Initializes the SDK with the default configuration.
init(Application, String, AuthenticationTokenProvider, BotsCallback) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Initializes the SDK with the default configuration.
init(Application, BotsConfiguration) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Initializes the SDK with the provided configuration.
init(Application, BotsConfiguration, BotsCallback) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Initializes the SDK with the provided configuration.
initSpeechSynthesisMuted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates the default state of skill's audio response button.
initSpeechSynthesisService() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Initializes the speech synthesis service.
initTextToSpeechService(Application, BotsConfiguration) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Initialisation of Text to Speech Service.
initUserHiddenMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A property that is used as a user's text message to initiate a conversation.
initUserHiddenMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A property that is used as a user's text message to initiate a conversation.
initUserProfile() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A property that is used to initialize the user profile before start of conversation.
initUserProfile(User) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A property that is used to initialize the user profile before start of conversation.
isActivityShown() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Checks if the activity is running in foreground or background
isAutoSubmit() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
isDisplayPreviousMessages() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to display local conversation history.
isEnableAgentSneakPreview() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Checks if the sneak preview of messages typed by user is available for agent.
isEnableArrowsForHorizontalCards() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the arrows for horizontal card messages.
isEnableAttachment() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to configure attachment sharing in chat view.
isEnableAttachmentSecurity() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Enables sending security headers with attachment upload requests for client auth enable conversations.
isEnableClearMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the clear message button on the chat view header.
isEnableDefaultClientResponse() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to display timeout messages in case of delay in responses from skill.
isEnableEndConversation() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether end session feature is enabled, which can be used to reset the session in the middle of conversation.
isEnableForegroundService() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable a foreground service, to keep application always in foreground.
isEnableNotification() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to show notifications after receiving a message, when the application is in background.
isEnableNotificationSound() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to play the notification sound when receiving new skill messages while the chat view is open.
isEnableNotificationSoundSetting() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the notification sound setting button on the chat view header.
isEnableRichText() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
isEnableSendTypingStatus() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Enables sending type status by the user.
isEnableSpeechRecognition() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the speech recognition service to convert user voice to text messages.
isEnableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable auto sending speech responses to the chat server.
isEnableSpeechSynthesis() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the skill's audio response button on chat view header.
isEnableTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the timestamp on messages.
isFileUploadErrorMessage() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ErrorMessagePayload
Flag to check if the error message is associated with the file upload by user
isHasNext() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
isHasPrevious() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
isInitialized() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Checks if the SDK has been initialized or not.
isInitSpeechSynthesisMuted() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates the default state of skill's audio response button.
isIsLocaleChangeReloadResourceRequired() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
isMultiline() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Returns if true, allow multiple lines of input
isOpenInWebView() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.UrlAction
Indication whether the url should open in webview.
isRead() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
The read status of the message
isRecording() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Checks if the voice recording has started or not.
isRequired() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Returns whether this input is required
isSaveClickedImagesInGallery() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Function to check if clicked images can be saved in gallery
isShowConnectionStatus() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the connection status on the chat view header.
isSpeaking() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
As of release 21.08, replaced by Bots.isTTSSpeaking()
isSpeaking() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Checks whether the bot audio response is being spoken or not.
isSubmitted() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Returns true, if the form was submitted earlier.
isTTSSpeaking() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Checks if the skill's response is currently being read aloud or not.
isValidEditableField(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Checks if the field is a valid editable field based on display type.
isValidReadOnlyField(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Checks if the field is a valid read-only field based on display type.


LINK - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type link
LinkFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
LinkFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LinkFieldEntity
Initializes the LinkFieldEntity object
linkHandler(WebviewLinkHandlerType) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
LISTENING - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TypingStatus
Typing status when listening for messages
LOCATION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type Location
LOCATION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Location
LOCATION - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Menu item to share the current location
LocationAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the action of type Location.
LocationAction(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationAction
Creates an action of type 'location'.
LocationAction(String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationAction
Creates an action of type 'location'.
LocationMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of a location message.
LocationMessagePayload(Geolocation) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
Creates an object for location message
LocationMessagePayload(Geolocation, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
Creates an object for location message
LocationMessagePayload(Geolocation, List<Action>, List<Action>, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
Creates an object for location message
LocationMessagePayload(Geolocation, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LocationMessagePayload
Creates an object for location message


MEDIA - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type media
MediaFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
MediaFieldEntity(MediaFieldEntity.MediaType, String, JSONObject, int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity
Initializes the ImageFieldEntity object
MediaFieldEntity.MediaType - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
Message - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents a message in a list of conversations
Message(int, String, MessagePayload, String, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
Message(String, MessagePayload, String, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
Creates a message
Message(MessagePayload, String, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
Creates a message
messageModifierDelegate(MessageModifierDelegate) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
An instance of MessageModifierDelegate that is used to receive callbacks before certain events in the conversation.
MessageModifierDelegate - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Delegate that is used to receive callbacks before certain events in the conversation
MessagePayload - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An interface that represents the message payload.
MessagePayload.MessageType - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
MULTI_SELECT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type multiSelect
multiLangChat(MultiLangChat) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
MultiSelectFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
MultiSelectFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, JSONArray, ArrayList<SelectFieldOption>, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Initializes the object created using this class


NONE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
Status of the timestamp mode when timestamp is not displayed.
NotificationController - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui
Triggers a notification.
NotificationController() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.NotificationController
notificationCustomizer(BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
An instance of BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer used to customize the notifications triggered from SDK.
NotificationCustomizer() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Creates the SDK notification channel with the default configuration
NotificationCustomizer(String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Creates the SDK notification channel with the given channelId
NotificationCustomizer(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Customizes SDK notifications with the given parameters
NUMBER_INPUT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type numberInput
NumberInputFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
NumberInputFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, double, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Initializes the object created using this class


onActiveSpeechUpdate(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when there is an update in the user's voice message, which can then be used for updating the speech visualizer
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onAttachmentComplete() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when an attachment upload has completed
onBackPressed() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onChatEnd() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when chat session ends for the user.
onChatLanguageChange(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ChatLanguageChangeListener
onChatLanguageChange(SupportedLanguage) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when chat language is changed
onClose(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when the connection to speech server is closed
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onError(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when errors occur while establishing the connection to the speech server, or when there is either no input given or when too much input is given
onFailure() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ClearConversationCallback
Callback triggered when clear conversation call failed.
onFailure(BotsCallback.Response) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback
Method called when the SDK initialization is failure
onMessageReceived(Message) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when a new message is received from the skill
onMessageSent(Message) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when a message is sent to the skill
onOpen() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when the connection to speech server is established
onPartialResult(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when a partial result is received from the speech server
onPause() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onResume() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onShareMenuItemsUpdate() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItemsUpdateListener
onSpeechRecognitionLocaleChange(Locale) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
As of release 21.08, the functionality is not required to be a part of TTS interface.
onSpeechSynthesisVoicePreferencesChange(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
As of release 21.08, the functionality can be achieved by and @Link #getVoice()
onStatusChange(ConnectionStatus) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.EventListener
Method called when the WebSocket connection status changes
onStop() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
onSuccess() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ClearConversationCallback
Callback triggered when conversation is cleared from database.
onSuccess(BotsCallback.Response) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback
Method called when the SDK initialization and the WebSocket connection to the skill is successful
onSuccess(BotsSpeechResult) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.IBotsSpeechListener
Method called when a final result is received from the speech server
oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core - package oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload - package oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util - package oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util
oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui - package oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui


PaginationInfo - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
PaginationInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
PARTIAL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewSizeWindow
Size of the Webview windoe when partial webview size is applied.
POSTBACK - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type Postback
POSTBACK - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Postback
PostBackAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the action of type PostBack.
PostBackAction(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackAction
Creates an action of type 'postback'
PostBackAction(String, String, Object, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackAction
Creates an action of type 'postback'
PostBackMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of a postback message.
PostBackMessagePayload(String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
Creates an object for the postback message payload


RAW - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Raw
RawMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of a raw message.
RawMessagePayload(JSONObject, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RawMessagePayload
Creates an object for a raw message payload
ReadOnlyFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
ReadOnlyFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Initializes an object created using subclasses of this class.
reconnectMaxAttempts(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
REDWOOD_DARK - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.SDKUITheme
Redwood Theme
RELATIVE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
Status of the timestamp mode when relative mode is applied.
RESPONDING - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TypingStatus
Typing status when responding with message
Response(int) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback.Response
Creates a response with the given status code
Response(int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsCallback.Response
Creates a response with the given status code and error message
RowsEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
RowsEntity() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity


saveClickedImagesInGallery(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates if the clicked images will be saved in gallery.
SDKUITheme - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui
SDK Layout Theme
SelectFieldOption - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
SelectFieldOption(String, Object, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
Initializes a select field option.
sendAttachment(FileWrapper) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends the uploaded attachment to the skill.
sendLocation(Geolocation) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends the location coordinates to the skill.
sendMessage(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends a text message to the skill.
sendMessage(String, JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends the text message and the metadata to the skill.
sendMessage(MessagePayload) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends a message to the skill.
sendPostBack(PostBackAction) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sends the postback message to the skill.
sendUserTypingStatus(TypingStatus, String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
SESSION_CLOSED - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload for close session
SessionCloseMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
SessionCloseMessagePayload() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SessionCloseMessagePayload
setAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ActionFieldEntity
setActions(List<Action>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
setActionType(Action.ActionType) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Sets the action type for the action
setAge(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Sets the user's age
setAgentDetails(AgentDetails) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the agent details dynamically.
setAlignment(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
setAlignment(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Sets the alignment of the field
setAutoSubmit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
setAvatarBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the agent avatar background color.
setAvatarImage(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the agent messages avatar.
setAvatarTextColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the avatar text color.
setCard(LayoutOrientation) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Sets the orientation of card actions layout
setChannelExtensions(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Sets the channel extensions for the message.
setChannelExtensions(Object) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
Sets the channel extensions for the message.
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Sets the channel extensions for the action.
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity
Sets the channel-specific properties for the message.
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Sets the channel extensions for the card.
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
Sets the channel-specific properties for the message.
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity
setChannelExtensions(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
setChannelName(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Sets the SDK notification channel name
setClientErrorMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Sets the message used when client-side validation fails.
setCurrentRangeSize(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Sets the initial value of the field
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Sets the initial option value that should be selected
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Sets the initial value for this field, format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Sets the initial value for this field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Sets the initial value for this field, format must be HH:mm
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Sets the initial selected value.
setDefaultValue(JSONArray) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Sets the initial option values that should be selected.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Sets the SDK notification channel description
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Sets the description of the card
setEmail(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Sets the user's email
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Sets a form-level error message that can be included when the user has submitted invalid data and the error cannot be linked to an individual field
setEventListener(EventListener) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the listener to receive the response returned from the skill, message sent to the skill, to get updates on connection status change, and to receive an update when attachment upload is complete.
setFields(ArrayList<FieldEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Sets the ArrayList of fields, this can be both read-only and editable fields
setFields(ArrayList<FieldEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
setFields(ArrayList<FieldEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RowsEntity
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
As of 23.10, replaced by Attachment.setTitle(String)
setFirstName(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Sets the user's first name
setFooterText(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Sets the footer text for the message
setFooterText(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
Sets the footer text for the message
setForm(LayoutOrientation) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Sets the orientation of form actions layout.
setFormColumns(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Sets the number of columns for editable form message payload
setFormColumns(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
setFormColumns(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setForms(ArrayList<FormEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
setForms(ArrayList<FormEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setGlobal(LayoutOrientation) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Sets the orientation of global actions layout.
setHasNext(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setHasPrevious(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setHeaderText(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Sets the header text for the message
setHeaderText(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload
Sets the header text for the message
setHeadings(ArrayList<HeadingEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setHeadings(ArrayList<HeadingEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
setId(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
setId(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Sets the id for the field
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Sets the image to display for the action
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Sets the URL of the image displayed on the card
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
setInputStyle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Sets Hint for the input style that should be enforced in the client.
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action
Sets the label to display for the action
setLabel(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity
Sets the label of field entity
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FieldEntity
Sets the label of field entity
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
setLabelOff(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Sets the label for the "off" value.
setLabelOn(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Sets The label for the "on" value
setLastName(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
Sets the user's last name
setLatitude(double) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Sets the GPS coordinate's latitude value
setLayout(CardLayout) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardMessagePayload
Sets the layout orientation received in the message payload
setLayoutStyle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Sets the layout style used to render the multi select options.
setLayoutStyle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Sets the layout style used to render the single select options.
setLinkLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.LinkFieldEntity
Sets the label used on the hyperlink
setLocal(LayoutOrientation) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ActionsLayout
Sets the orientation of local actions layout
setLongitude(double) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Sets the GPS coordinate's longitude value
setMaxDate(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Sets the maximum date allowed, format must be YYYY-MM-DD
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the field.
setMaxTime(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Sets the maximum time allowed, the format must be HH:mm
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Sets the maximum value of the field
setMediaType(MediaFieldEntity.MediaType) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ErrorMessagePayload
Sets the error message
setMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseMessagePayload
Sets the metadata for the message
setMinDate(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.DatePickerFieldEntity
Sets the minimum date allowed, format must be YYYY-MM-DD
setMinLength(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Sets the minimum length of input that the user must provide.
setMinTime(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Sets the minimum time allowed, the format must be HH:mm
setMinValue(double) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.NumberInputFieldEntity
Sets the maximum value of the field
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
If set to true, allow multiple lines of input
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the agent name.
setNameTextColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.AgentDetails
Sets the color of agent name to be displayed.
setNextRangeSize(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setOptions(ArrayList<SelectFieldOption>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MultiSelectFieldEntity
Sets a list of options for the users
setOptions(ArrayList<SelectFieldOption>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Sets a list of options for the users
setPaginationInfo(PaginationInfo) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormMessagePayload
setPaginationInfo(PaginationInfo) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setPaginationInfo(PaginationInfo) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
setPartialSubmitField(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
setPartyType(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Sets the party type for the message.
setPayload(MessagePayload) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
setPayload(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.RawMessagePayload
Sets the payload for the raw message
setPersonAvatar(Object) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Sets the user avatar for all messages including previous messages.
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CallAction
Sets the phone number to call
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Sets the description of the input desired.
setPostback(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
Sets the postback object of the message
setPostback(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
setPostback(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SubmitFormAction
setPostBack(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackAction
Sets the postback object associated with the action
setPrimaryChatLanguage(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the language tag to be used for conversation.
setRangeSize(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setRangeStart(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setRead(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Message
Sets the read status of the message
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Sets Whether this input is required
setRows(ArrayList<RowsEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setRows(ArrayList<RowsEntity>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
setSDKTheme(SDKUITheme) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Sets primary layout theme for the SDK
setServerErrorMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditableFieldEntity
Sets the error message that can be send back when server-side validation of a form field value fails.
setShareMenuItems(ArrayList<Object>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
Sets share menu items list for bots configuration.
setShareMenuItemsUpdateListener(ShareMenuItemsUpdateListener) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
setShowFormButtonLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Sets source of the sdk.
setSpeechLocale(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the locale used for speech connection.
setSpeechSynthesisVoicePreferences(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
As of release 21.08, replaced by Bots.setTTSVoice(ArrayList)} and Bots.getTTSVoice()
setSpeechSynthesisVoicePreferences(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
As of release 21.08, replaced by SpeechSynthesisService.setVoice(ArrayList)
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Sets the status of the message.
setSubmitted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
Sets the form submission status of the form.
setSubmittedFields(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormSubmissionMessagePayload
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PostBackMessagePayload
Sets the text of the message
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
Sets the typing-text that will be sent along with the status message.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Sets the text message
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer
Sets the SDK notification title
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
Sets the name of an attachment
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Sets the title of the card
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.EditFormMessagePayload
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.FormEntity
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Sets a title for the location
setTotalCount(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.PaginationInfo
setTTSService(SpeechSynthesisService) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
setTTSVoice(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the voice preferences array which is used to choose the best match available voice for speech synthesis.
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
Sets the type of an attachment
setUIEventListener(EventListener) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Sets the listener for SDK UI to receive the response returned from the skill, message sent to the skill, to get updates on connection status change, and to receive an update when attachment upload is complete.
setUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Attachment
Sets the URL of an attachment
setUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Card
Sets the URL of a website that is opened when taping on the card
setUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Geolocation
Sets a URL for displaying a map of the location
setUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.UrlAction
Sets the URL of the website to open
setUserInputPlaceholder(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Updates user input's placeholder text.
setValidationRegularExpression(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Sets the regular expression indicating the required format of this text input.
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
setValue(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Sets the value of the field
setValue(JSONObject) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SelectFieldOption
setValueOff(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Sets the value when toggle is off
setValueOn(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Sets the value when toggle is on
setVoice(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Sets the voice preferences array which is used to choose the best match available voice for speech synthesis and sets the speech synthesis voice to the best match available voice for speech synthesis.
setWidth(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.HeadingEntity
setWidth(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ReadOnlyFieldEntity
Sets the width of the field
SHARE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type Share
ShareAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the action of type Share.
ShareAction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ShareAction
Creates an action of type share
ShareAction(String, String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ShareAction
Creates an action of type share
ShareMenuItem - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The share menu items
shareMenuItems() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
The object of ShareMenuItems.
shareMenuItems(ArrayList<Object>) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Updates the share menu item list.
shareMenuItems(ArrayList<Object>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The list of items to be shown on the share menu when enableAttachment is set to true.
ShareMenuItemsUpdateListener - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Delegate to listen the event related to the change of share menu items.
show(Context) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Shows the conversation view
show(Context, String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Shows the conversation view with pre filled text in the input field
showBotAvatar() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the skill's avatar icon beside the skill's messages.
showBotAvatar(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the skill's avatar icon beside the skill's messages.
showConnectionStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the connection status on the chat view header.
showPersonAvatar() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the user's avatar icon beside the user's messages.
showPersonAvatar(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the user's avatar icon beside the user's messages.
showTypingIndicator() - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the the value associated with the string resource odaas_bot_status_responding when waiting for skill's response.
showTypingIndicator() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
Shows the typing indicator on the header
showTypingIndicator(boolean) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A boolean property that indicates whether to enable the display of the the value associated with the string resource odaas_bot_status_responding when waiting for skill's response.
shutdownBotAudioResponse() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Releases the resources used by the SDK.
shutdownTextToSpeech() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Releases the resources used by the TextToSpeech engine.
SINGLE_SELECT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type singleSelect
SingleSelectFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
SingleSelectFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, Object, ArrayList<SelectFieldOption>, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SingleSelectFieldEntity
Initializes the object created using this class
speak(String) - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
Adds a phrase to the utterance queue to be spoken
speakTTS(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Starts reading the skill's response aloud.
speakTTS(Message) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Starts reading the skill's response aloud.
speechLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The locale used for speech connection.
SpeechSynthesisService - Interface in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
speechSynthesisVoicePreferences(ArrayList<SpeechSynthesisSetting>) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The voice preferences array which is used to choose the best match available voice for speech synthesis.
startAudioRecorder(IBotsSpeechListener) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Starts only the audio recorder without performing speech recognition.
startBluetoothSco() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
startBotAudioResponse(String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
As of release 21.08, replaced by Bots.speakTTS(String) ()}
startBotAudioResponse(Message) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
As of release 21.08, replaced by Bots.speakTTS(Message)
startRecording(IBotsSpeechListener) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Starts recording the user's voice message.
startSpeechRecognition(IBotsSpeechListener, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Starts speech recognition if the audio recorder is already turned on, else provide a feature to turn on audio recorder and perform speech recognition.
STATUS - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type status
StatusMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
StatusMessagePayload(String, String, String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.StatusMessagePayload
An object that represents payload of a status message
stopBluetoothSco() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
stopBotAudioResponse() - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
As of release 21.08, replaced by Bots.cancelTTS()
stopRecording(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Stops recording the user's voice message.
stopSpeechRecognition(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Stops an ongoing speech recognition without changing the state of audio recorder
stopTextToSpeech() - Method in interface oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SpeechSynthesisService
As of release 21.08, replaced by SpeechSynthesisService.cancel()
SUBMIT_FORM - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type FormAction
SubmitFormAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
SubmitFormAction(String, String, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.SubmitFormAction
subtitle(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A property that is used as the subtitle of the chat view, which is displayed below the title on the chat view header.
SupportedLanguage - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
SupportedLanguage(String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SupportedLanguage
SupportedLanguage(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.SupportedLanguage


TABLE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Table
TABLEFORM - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Table Form
TableFormMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
TableFormMessagePayload(JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONArray, JSONArray, int, String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableFormMessagePayload
TableMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
TableMessagePayload(JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONArray, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TableMessagePayload
TEXT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type text
TEXT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
The message payload of type Text
TEXT_INPUT - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type textInput
TextFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
TextFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextFieldEntity
Initializes the TextFieldEntity object
TextInputFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
TextInputFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, int, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextInputFieldEntity
Initializes the object created using this class
TextMessagePayload - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the payload of a text message.
TextMessagePayload(String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
TextMessagePayload(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
TextMessagePayload(String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
TextMessagePayload(String, String, String, List<Action>, List<Action>, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
TextMessagePayload(String, List<Action>, List<Action>) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TextMessagePayload
Creates an object for the text message payload
TIME_PICKER - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type timePicker
TimePickerFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
TimePickerFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.TimePickerFieldEntity
Creates an initializes the object
timestampFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Sets the format in which the message timestamps are to be displayed.
TimestampMode - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The Timestamp mode
timeStampType(TimestampMode) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Sets the mode in which the timestamps are to be displayed.
title(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
A property that is used as the title of the chat view displayed on the chat view header.
TOGGLE - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
The field entity of type toggle
ToggleFieldEntity - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
ToggleFieldEntity(String, JSONObject, String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.ToggleFieldEntity
Initializes the object created using this class
triggerNotification(Context, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.NotificationController
Triggers the notification, which in turn opens the intent associated with the string resource odaas_notification_intent when it is tapped
triggerNotification(Context, Message) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.NotificationController
Triggers the notification, which in turn opens the intent associated with the string resource odaas_notification_intent when it is tapped
ttsService(SpeechSynthesisService) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Injects a custom speech synthesis service to be used for utterances
typingIndicatorTimeout(long) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The number of seconds after which the typing indicator is automatically removed if the chat view has not yet received the response.
TypingStatus - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
The Typing Status
typingStatusInterval - Variable in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
typingStatusInterval(long) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
Time interval in seconds after which the typing status will be send from user to server.


updateMessage(Message) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Updates the respective message in the database based on stored id.
updateSdkLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.ConversationActivity
updateUser(User) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Updates the user profile information.
updateUser(JSONObject) - Static method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
Updates the user profile information using the parameter passed in the form of JSONObject.
URL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type URL
UrlAction - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload
An object that represents the action of type URL.
UrlAction(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.UrlAction
Creates an action of type 'URL'
UrlAction(String, String, String, boolean, JSONObject) - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.UrlAction
Creates an action of type 'URL'
User - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
Object representing the current user.
User() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.User
userId(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The unique identifier for the user.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ConnectionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardLayout
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TypingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewLinkHandlerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewSizeWindow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.SDKUITheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ConnectionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.BaseFieldEntity.DisplayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MessagePayload.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TimestampMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.TypingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewLinkHandlerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewSizeWindow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.ui.SDKUITheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Static variable in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.Bots
VERTICAL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.CardLayout
The vertical orientation of card layout
VIDEO - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.MediaFieldEntity.MediaType
An media of type video
VISUAL - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.ShareMenuItem
Menu item to share image or video files


WEBVIEW - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.payload.Action.ActionType
An action of type Webview
WEBVIEW - oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util.WebviewLinkHandlerType
Assigns value Partial to WebViewLinkHandler.
webViewConfig(WebViewConfig) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
WebViewConfig - Class in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core
WebViewConfig() - Constructor for class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
webviewHeaderColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
WebviewLinkHandlerType - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util
webViewSize(WebviewSizeWindow) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig
WebviewSizeWindow - Enum in oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.util
webViewTitleColor(int) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.WebViewConfig


youTubeApiKey(String) - Method in class oracle.cloud.bots.mobile.core.BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder
The YouTube API key that's used to enable the streaming of YouTube videos.
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