metadata: platformVersion: "1.0" main: true name: "CbPizzaBot" context: variables: iResult: "nlpresult" pizza: "Pizza" pizzaCardInfo: "map" states: # Loading additional info for each pizza type so we can use cards with an image and decription to present the various pizza types # The names of the pizza types must match the value list entries in the PizzaType entity. LoadPizzaCardInfo: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: variable: "pizzaCardInfo" value: CHEESE BASIC: description: "Classic marinara sauce topped with whole milk mozzarella cheese." image: "" PEPPERONI: description: "Classic marinara sauce with authentic old-world style pepperoni." image: "" MEAT LOVER: description: "Classic marinara sauce, authentic old-world pepperoni, all-natural\ \ Italian sausage, slow-roasted ham, hardwood smoked bacon, seasoned pork\ \ and beef." image: "" SUPREME: description: "Classic marinara sauce, authentic old-world pepperoni, seasoned\ \ pork, beef, fresh mushrooms, fresh green bell peppers and fresh red onions." image: "" PREMIUM GARDEN VEGGIE: description: "Premium crushed tomato sauce topped with green peppers, red\ \ onions, mushrooms, Roma tomatoes and roasted spinach with our Hut Favorite\ \ on the crust." image: "" ULTIMATE CHEESE LOVER: description: "Garlic Parmesan sauce topped with 50% more mozzarella cheese\ \ with a toasted Parmesan crust." image: "" HAWAIIAN CHICKEN: description: "Grilled chicken, ham, pineapple and green bell peppers." image: "" BACON SPINACH ALFREDO: description: "Garlic Parmesan sauce topped with bacon, mushrooms and roasted\ \ spinach with a salted pretzel crust." image: "" intent: component: "System.Intent" properties: variable: "iResult" transitions: actions: LiveChat: "livechatProfileFirstName" HandleProblem: "handleproblemAskChoice" OrderPizza: "orderPizza" CancelPizza: "cancelorder" unresolvedIntent: "unresolved" # Both System.ResolveEntities and System.CommonResponse (CRC) components can be used to resolve a composite bag entity. # The CRC allows you to customize the bot message for each entity in the bag. In the example below, Cards are rendered to to choose the pizza type. # In addition, a Cancel button is displayed after the user entered an invalid value, and a Send Location button is shown when the user is prompted for his location orderPizza: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true variable: "pizza" nlpResultVariable: "iResult" cancelPolicy: "immediate" transitionAfterMatch: "false" metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "<#list system.entityToResolve.value.updatedEntities>I have updated <#items as ent>${}<#sep> and . <#list system.entityToResolve.value.outOfOrderMatches>I got <#items as ent>${}<#sep> and . " - type: "text" text: "${system.entityToResolve.value.prompt}" actions: - label: "${enumValue}" type: "postback" iteratorVariable: "system.entityToResolve.value.enumValues" payload: variables: pizza: "${enumValue}" visible: entitiesToResolve: exclude: "Type" - label: "Home" type: "postback" payload: variables: pizza: "Home" visible: entitiesToResolve: include: "Location" - label: "Office" type: "postback" payload: variables: pizza: "Office" visible: entitiesToResolve: include: "Location" - type: "cards" cardLayout: "horizontal" visible: entitiesToResolve: include: "Type" cards: - title: "${enumValue}" description: "<#if pizzaCardInfo.value[enumValue]?has_content>${pizzaCardInfo.value[enumValue].description}" imageUrl: "<#if pizzaCardInfo.value[enumValue]?has_content>${pizzaCardInfo.value[enumValue].image}" iteratorVariable: "system.entityToResolve.value.enumValues" actions: - label: "Order Now" type: "postback" payload: variables: pizza: "${enumValue}" - type: "text" text: "Enter the numbers of your choice separated with a space." visible: expression: "${'Toppings'}" globalActions: - label: "Show More" type: "postback" visible: expression: "${system.entityToResolve.value.needShowMoreButton}" payload: action: "system.showMore" variables: ${system.entityToResolve.value.rangeStartVar}: ${system.entityToResolve.value.nextRangeStart} - label: "Cancel" type: "postback" visible: onInvalidUserInput: true payload: action: "cancel" - label: "Send Location" type: "location" visible: entitiesToResolve: include: "Location" transitions: actions: cancel: "cancelorder" disambiguate: "disambiguateToppings" next: "confirmation" disambiguateToppings: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Sorry, I got confused which toppings you want. Please re-enter." keepTurn: true transitions: {} resetToppings: component: "System.ResetVariables" properties: variableList: "pizza.Toppings" transitions: {} # also reset location text, might contain the updated toppings... resetLocationText: component: "System.ResetVariables" properties: variableList: "pizza.LocationText" transitions: next: "orderPizza" confirmation: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: metadata: responseItems: - text: "Thank you for your order, your ${pizza.value.Size} ${pizza.value.Type} pizza with ${pizza.value.NoToppings?has_content?then('no extra toppings',pizza.value.Toppings?join(' and ')?replace('Extra Cheese','Extra '+pizza.value.CheeseType!''))}\ \ will be delivered in 30 minutes at ${pizza.value.Location?has_content?then('GPS position '+pizza.value.Location.latitude+','+pizza.value.Location.longitude,pizza.value.LocationText)}!" type: "text" - type: "attachment" attachmentType: "image" name: "image" attachmentUrl: "${pizzaCardInfo.value[pizza.value.Type].image}" processUserMessage: false transitions: return: "done" cancelorder: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Your order is cancelled" transitions: return: "cancelOrder" unresolved: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Sorry, I don't understand. What do you want to do? You can say 'order some pizza'" transitions: return: "unresolved" greeting1: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Hello, I'm a Pizza ordering bot always ready for you." keepTurn: true transitions: {} greetingEnd: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "You can say 'Order some Pizza' or 'Cancel my order'." transitions: return: "greeting" ##################################### # Service Cloud Live Chat Integration ##################################### # Typically, the messaging client sets these values # We'll hard code them for testing purposes livechatProfileFirstName: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: variable: "profile.firstName" value: "your first name" #Set this property transitions: next: "livechatProfileLastName" livechatProfileLastName: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: variable: "profile.lastName" value: "your last name" #Set this property transitions: next: "livechatProfileEmail" livechatProfileEmail: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: value: "" variable: "" transitions: next: "livechatInitConnection" # Initiate a connection to Oracle Service Cloud livechatInitConnection: component: "System.AgentInitiation" properties: agentChannel: "ServiceCloudIntegration" #Set this property nlpResultVariable: "iResult" waitingMessage: "Let me connect you with a customer service agent who can further assist you" errorMessage: > Our apologies. We are having system issues and we can't connect you with an agent right now. rejectedMessage: "I'm sorry. It looks like no one's available now." resumedMessage: "Please wait, someone will be with you shortly." transitions: actions: accepted: "livechatTransfer" rejected: "livechatHandleNoTransfer" error: "livechatHandleNoTransfer" # Transfer the conversation to an available agent livechatTransfer: component: "System.AgentConversation" properties: agentChannel: "ServiceCloudIntegration" #Set this property nlpResultVariable: "iResult" exitKeywords: "bye, good bye, good night, end, quit" conclusionMessage: "That ends our conversation. Have a nice day" expiryMessage: "Hmmm, neither you nor the agent have sent any messages in awhile." errorMessage: > We apologize but we are having system issues and we lost connection with the live agent transitions: actions: agentLeft: "livechatEndPrompt" expired: "livechatEndPrompt" error: "livechatHandleNoTransfer" next: "livechatEndPrompt" # Conversation ended or timed out, start over livechatEndPrompt: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Connecting you back to the bot. What do you want to do next?" keepTurn: false transitions: return: "done" # No agents available or there was a Service Cloud system error livechatHandleNoTransfer: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "You can try again later or call us at 650.555.0185" transitions: return: "done" ################# # Handle problem ################# # If user indicates a problem, ask if want to speak with someone handleproblemAskChoice: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: > I don't seem to be able to help you. Would you like to chat with customer service?" separateBubbles: true actions: - label: "Yes, I want to speak with someone" type: "postback" keyword: "yes,Yes,speak,someone" payload: action: "agent" - label: "No, let's start over" keyword: "no,No,start over, over" type: "postback" payload: action: "startover" transitions: actions: agent: "livechatProfileFirstName" startover: "handleproblemStartOver" textReceived: "intent" # User with problem chose to not speak to an agent but start over instead handleproblemStartOver: component: "System.Output" properties: text: > OK, let's start over. I can help you with a pizza order. You can say 'order pizza' or 'cancel my order' transitions: return: "done"