#metadata: information about the flow # platformVersion: the version of the bots platform that this flow was written to work with metadata: platformVersion: "1.0" main: true name: VisionCorp #context: Define the variables which will used throughout the dialog flow here. context: variables: patientName: "string" appointmentTime: "string" iResult: "nlpresult" states: intent: component: "System.Intent" properties: variable: "iResult" transitions: actions: WelcomeMessage: "welcomemessage" CancelAppointment: "cancelappointment" ConfirmAppointment: "confirmappointment" RescheduleAppointment: "rescheduleappointment" unresolvedIntent: "unresolved" welcomemessage: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Hi, I am the Vision Corp appointment reminder bot!" transitions: return: "done" cancelappointment: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "No worries, we are cancelling your current slot." transitions: return: "done" confirmappointment: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Thank you so much for confirming!" transitions: return: "done" rescheduleappointment: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Sure. I can set up a new appointment for next week, same day and time." transitions: return: "done" remindermessage: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Hi ${patientName.value}, your next Vision Corp. appointment is scheduled for ${appointmentTime.value}. Please reply to this message to confirm, cancel appointment, or postpone appointment." transitions: return: "done" unresolved: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "I am sorry, I could not understand, let's try again" transitions: return: "done"