#metadata: information about the flow # platformVersion: the version of the bots platform that this flow was written to work with metadata: platformVersion: "1.0" main: true name: GR_Pizza_Composite_Bag #context: Define the variables which will used throughout the dialog flow here. context: variables: iResult: "nlpresult" pizza: "PizzaBag" states: intent: component: "System.Intent" properties: variable: "iResult" optionsPrompt: "Doyou want to" transitions: actions: OrderPizza: "startOrderPizza" WelcomePizza: "startWelcome" unresolvedIntent: "startUnresolved" startOrderPizza: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "OK, let's get that order sorted." keepTurn: true transitions: {} resolveEntities: component: "System.ResolveEntities" properties: variable: "pizza" nlpResultVariable: "iResult" maxPrompts: 5 cancelPolicy: "immediate" transitions: actions: cancel: "maxError" next: "setPizzaDough" setPizzaDough: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: variable: "pizza.PizzaDough" value: "${pizza.value.PizzaDough?has_content?then(pizza.value.PizzaDough,'regular')}" showPizzaOrder: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "OK, so we are getting you a ${pizza.value.PizzaSize?lower_case} ${pizza.value.PizzaTopping?capitalize} pizza. This will be on our ${pizza.value.PizzaDough} crust." transitions: return : "showPizzaOrder" startWelcome: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "Hey there - welcome to our online Pizza bot!" transitions: return: "startWelcome" startUnresolved: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "OK, let's sort out that pizza for you!" keepTurn: "false" transitions: return: "startUnresolved" maxError: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "OK, let's connect you with someone to help" transitions: return: "maxError" helpState: component: "System.Output" properties: text: "I am the pizza bot here to help you!!" transitions: return: "helpState"