Before You Begin

This 45-minute tutorial shows how you can easily add value-setting logic using the composite bag entity.


In this tutorial, you're working with a skill for ordering pizzas that has a basic dialog flow definition along with some intents and entities for extracting values for the pizza order, delivery address, and delivery location. By adding a composite bag entity to these building blocks, you can create a pizza skill that allows spontaneous, real-world interactions without having to implement custom code or write a complex and lengthy dialog flow definition. How and when the composite bag sets the values for these entities depends on the circumstance. When customers change their orders midway through the conversation, for example, the skill can gracefully update the previously extracted value and continue on without forcing them to begin their orders all over again. The skill can prompt for values when they're not included in the customer input and can validate this input as well, sending context-specific error messages when it's incorrect.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to an Oracle Digital Assistant instance.
  • The file, which includes the both the starter version of the skill and a finished version of the skill. Download this file and then unzip it to your local system.

Explore the Starter Skill

The first thing you need to do is import the starter pizza skill into your Oracle Digital Assistant instance so that you can see what you're working with.

Import the Starter Skill

  1. Log into Oracle Digital Assistant.
  2. Click menu icon in the top left corner to open the side menu.
  3. Expand Development and then click Skills.
  4. Hide the menu by clicking menu icon again.
  5. Click Import Skill (located at the upper right).
  6. The Import Skill link
  7. Browse to, and then select, Then click Open.

Explore and Test the Skill

Take a look at the intents and entities.

  1. In the dashboard, click the CompositeBagTutorial_Starter tile to open the skill in the Skill Builder. The intent editor should be selected when this development environment is launched. If it isn't, click Intents Intent icon in the left navbar.
  2. Click the OrderPizza intent and take a look at its utterances.
  3. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar.
  4. Open the PizzaDough, PizzaSize, PizzaTopping, and NamedLocation entities. Take a look at the values and synonyms defined for each of these Value List entities. Notice that PizzaTopping and PizzaSize entities both have prompts and that the PizzaSize entity also has en error message.
  5. An image of the list of entities associated wiith the Pizza entity.
    Description of the illustration
  6. Click Flows The dialog flow editor icon in the left navbar, the select the intent.reg.order flow. Notice, at this point, that it's just a starter flow that outputs a message. We're going to add the state that resolves the various pizza variables in a minute.
  7. Train the skill:
  8. Click Preview Skill tester icon (located at the top right) to open the Skill Tester.
  9. Description of this image follows
    Description of the illustration follows.
  10. In the chat window, enter I want a pizza and then click Enter. The skill replies with a placeholder message (This is where you will see the pizza order).
    Description of  follows
    Description of the illustration
  11. Click Reset to clear your input and then Close The Close icon.
  12. The Reset button

What you just did: You've imported the basic into your instance, gotten acquainted with its artifacts, and then tested it out.

Create the Basic Composite Bag Entity

The first step is to create the composite bag itself, add the PizzaSize and PizzaType entities to it, and then add context-specific prompts and input validators for these entities.

Create the Composite Bag Entity

  1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar and then click + Add Entity.
  2. Name the entity
  3. Choose Composite Bag from the Type menu.
  4. Click Create.
  5. An image of the of the add entity dialog.
    Description of the illustration
  6. Select the entity from the entities list (located on the left side of the page) so that you can update its contents.
  7. an image of the PizzaBag entity selected from the entities list.
    Description of the illustration
  8. Click + Bag Item to open the Add Bag Item page.
  9. The Add Bag Item button
  10. In the Name field, replace BagItem1 with PizzaSize.
  11. Confirm that Entity (the default value) is chosen in the Type list.
  12. Choose PizzaSize from the Entity Name list.
  13. The Type and Name options
  14. The PizzaBot Skill needs to resolve the size of a pizza, but it also needs to output error messages when customers continually reply with values that can't be resolved by the PizzaSize entity's list items or synonyms. To do this, click The increment icon. to increment Maximum User Input Attempts to 3.
  15. The Maximum User Input Attemps option
  16. In the Error Message field, replace the existing error message (Oops! I didn't understand, I need a pizza size of small, medium or large) with Sorry, this is not a valid pizza size.
  17. The Error Message field.
  18. Next, add a sequence of prompt messages that correspond to the three input attempts allotted to users for choosing a pizza size. Each of these messages becomes more emphatic as the sequence progresses. The Prompts section of the page includes the first one that already belongs to the PizzaSize entity (What size pizza would you like?)
    An image of the Add Item dialog.
    Description of the illustration
    To add the next prompt, first click + Prompt.
  19. The Add Prompt button.
  20. Enter Please choose small, medium, or large.
  21. Click + Prompt again.
  22. Enter OK! Let's have one more go at this. I just need you to select a pizza size. We offer large, medium, and small.
    An image of the of prompt sequence.
    Description of the illustration
  23. Click Close (located at the top right of the Add Bag Item page).
  24. The skill resolves the topping type with its PizzaTopping entity. In addition to extracting this value, the skill needs to check that the customer has selected only one topping. No substitutions allowed! Before you can add this validation to the PizzaTopping entity, you need to add it to the composite bag. To get started, click + Bag item.
  25. Replace BagItem1 with PizzaTopping in the Name field, make sure that Entity is chosen in the Type list, then select PizzaTopping from the Entity Name list.
  26. In the Disambiguation Prompt field, enter Sorry, you can only order one topping type.
  27. An image of the Disambiguation Resolution options.
    Description of the illustration
  28. Click Close.

What you just did: You have created a composite bag entity that resolves pizza size and pizza topping through context-specific prompts and error messages.

Associate The Composite Bag Entity to an Intent

In this step, you will add the composite bag entity to the OrderPizza intent to enable the skill to parse the entity values with the intent.

  1. Select the Intent icon Intents Menu Icon in the left navbar.
  2. Select the pizza.reg.orderPizza intent and then click + Add Entity.
  3. The Add Entity button
  4. Select from the list.
  5. The Intent Entities list
  6. Retrain the skill.

Update the Dialog Flow to Reference the Composite Bag Entity

Next, update the dialog flow with the entity. To do this, you need to declare a flow-level variable for this entity so that it can be referenced only by this flow and then add a Resolve Entity component. This component resolves the composite bag list items. It keeps track of the values that have already been provided in the user input and output prompts for additional values.

Create a Flow-Level Variable

  1. Click Flows This is an image of the Flows icon. in the left navbar.
  2. Select intent.reg.order.
  3. This is an image of the Flows icon.
  4. Click Configuration.
  5. This is an image of the Flows icon.
  6. Click + Add Variable (located under Variables).
  7. This is an image of the Add Variable button
  8. For the name, enter pizza.
  9. For the description, enter Resolves the pizza menu.
  10. Select Entity as the variable type, then select as the entity name.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Description of  follows
    Description of the illustration

Build Out the Pizza Order Flow

With the variable created, you're ready to reference it from the dialog flow.
  1. Click Flow.
  2. This is an image of the Flows icon.
  3. Hover over the showPizzaOrder state to display its menu icon Description of sample-arch-image.png follows. Click the menu icon, then click Add state.
  4. Description of sample-arch-image.png follows
    Description of the illustration
  5. Choose User Messaging. Then click Resolve Entities.
  6. Choose Resolve Entity.
  7. Name the state resolvePizza.
  8. Enter Pizza menu as then description. Then click Insert.
  9. Description of order_pizza_flow_resolve_pizza.png follows
    Description of the illustration
  10. Click the menu in the resolvePizza state, then click Make start state.
  11. Description of sample-arch-image.png follows
    Description of the illustration
  12. In the Component page, select pizza (located under Flow Variables) as the composite bag entity variable.
  13. Description of order_pizza_flow_resolve_bag_properties.png follows
    Description of the illustration

Create Supporting States

Now that you've enabled the flow to process the composite bag component, you can add two more states that are triggered when an order is complete or when an order is rejected.

  1. Click Transitions.
  2. the Transitions tab
  3. Click Action
  4. The Add Action control
  5. Select cancel from the Action Name list.
  6. Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration
  7. In the Transition To field, select Add State.
  8. Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration
  9. Select Send Message.
  10. Enter maxError in the Name field. In the Description field, enter Failure message.
  11. Click Insert.
  12. Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration
  13. In the Component page of the maxError state, enter the following in the Messages field.
    Ok. Let's get you some help.
  14. Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration
  15. Return to the Transitions page of the resolvePizza state.
  16. In the Next Transition field, choose Add State.
  17. Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration
  18. Select Send Message.
  19. Name the state confirmMessage.
  20. Enter Confirmation message as the description. Then click Insert.
  21. In the Component page of the confirmMessage state, enter the following into Message field. This message returns the entity values using Apache FreeMarker expressions:
    Ok, so we are getting you a ${pizza.value.PizzaSize.value?lower_case} ${pizza.value.PizzaTopping.value?capitalize} pizza.
  22. When you're done, the dialog flow should look like this:
    Description of the illustration
    Description of the illustration

Test the Entity Resolution

Let's test the logic that we've configured for the PizzaSize and PizzaTopping entities and the updated dialog flow.

  1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
  2. In the chat window, enter I want to order a medium pizza.
  3. When prompted, enter a pizza type (Meaty, Veggie, etc.) and then confirm that both this entity value and medium are included in the confirmation message. Click Reset.
  4. Enter both entity values in the same request by entering I want to order a large veggie pizza. The skill should reply with the confirmation message, which includes both of the entity values. Click Reset.
  5. Try out the error messages by first entering I want to order a pizza.
  6. When prompted for a pizza size, enter a invalid value like huge.
  7. Enter massive.
  8. Enter monster. The skill should reply with the error message and with all three prompt messages. When you've reached the third attempt (the number you set for the Maximum User Input Attempts property), the Resolve Entities component triggers the cancel transition, routing you to maxError state. At this point, the skill outputs "OK, let's connect you with someone to help." This is just an output message; there's no skill-human agent integration configured for this skill.
  9. Description of the illustration test_error_messages.png follows
    Description of the illustration
  10. Click Reset.
  11. Next, test the value disambiguation by entering two different topping types in one message. For example, enter I want to order a meaty veggie pizza. The skill recognizes the invalid input by replying with "Sorry, you can only order one topping type."
  12. Click Reset, then close the Tester.

Set a Default Value

Now that the basic composite bag implementation works, you can set a default value for the PizzaDough entity. This entity extracts values for two types of dough: regular and gluten-free. To speed the ordering process, we'll assume that most customers prefer regular crust. This will be the default value that's set for the PizzaDough entity. But when customers request gluten-free, the skill updates the PizzaDough entity value. The change is seamless (and invisible) to customers because they receive no prompts or confirmation messages. The crust request is noted and the composite bag prompts for the next entity. For your skill to handle this change, you need to configure the PizzaDough entity to accept gluten-free as an optional value.

  1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar, then select the entity.
  2. Click + Bag Item, then replace BagItem1 with PizzaDough.
  3. Select PizzaDough from the Entity Name list.
  4. In the Extraction Rules section:
    1. make sure that Out of Order Extraction is set to Always.
    2. Enter false in the Prompt for Value field to prevent the skill from prompting for a pizza dough preference.
    3. Description of the illustration pizza_dough_extraction_rules.png follows
      Description of the illustration
    4. Click Close.

    What you just did: You've enabled the composite bag to accept customer input that overwrites a default value.

    Implement the Default Value Logic in the Dialog Flow

    Because gluten-free is the exception, not the rule for most of the skill's customers, you need to update the dialog flow that sets the default value, regular.

    1. Click Flows Dialog flow editor icon in the left navbar.
    2. Select the next transition that connects the resolvePizza and confirmMessage states.
    3. The next transition
    4. Choose Variables from the Add State dialog. Then choose Set Variable.
    5. Name the state setPizzaDough, then click Insert. This state keeps the valid values for the PizzaDough entity. When these values aren't valid, or are missing, it volunteers the value for regular crust.
    6. Open the Component page of the setPizzaDough state.
    7. In the Variable field, choose pizza.
    8. Select PizzaDough from the Composite Bag Item field.
    9. Switch on Expression.
    10. The Expression toggle switch
    11. Enter the following FreeMarker expression that evaluates the PizzaDough values:
      ${((pizza.value.PizzaDough?has_content)!false)?then(pizza.value.PizzaDough, {"value" : "regular", "primaryLanguageValue" : "regular", "originalString" : "regular"})}
    12. The Set Variable Component page.
      Description of the illustration
    13. Update the message in the confirmMessage state to include the dough type by appending the following line to the existing message:
      This will be on our ${pizza.value.PizzaDough.value} crust.
      When you're done, the message should look like this:
      Your ${pizza.value.PizzaSize.value} ${pizza.value.PizzaTopping.value} pizza will be delivered at ${pizza.value.DeliveryTime.value?time.xs?string['hh:mm a']}. This will be on our ${pizza.value.PizzaDough.value} crust.
      And your flow should look like this:
    14. Description follows
      Description of the illustration

    Test the Default Values

    Test the new functionality:

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a large veggie pizza. The skill confirms your order with regular crust. Click Reset.
    3. Enter I want to order a large veggie gluten-free pizza. The skill prompts you for the size. After you select that, the order confirmation includes gluten-free crust.
    4. Click Reset, then close the tester.

    What you just did: You configured the PizzaDough entity so that it can accept an optional value. In the dialog flow, you added a Apache FreeMarker expression that sets regular as default crust type using the ?has_content and then operators.

    Validate the Delivery Time

    Part of the pizza ordering process is allowing customers to specify their preferred delivery time. But this skill doesn't offer 24-hour delivery. It must recognize when customers request a delivery time that's outside of normal business hours and then prompt for valid time. There's no existing entity to recognize time, so you're going to add one to the bag. Unlike the existing entities, this entity is not a value list. It's based on the built-in DATE_TIME entity that recognizes hours, minutes and seconds.

    1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar, then select the entity from the entities list.
    2. Click + Bag Item, then replace BagItem1 with DeliveryTime.
    3. Make sure that Entity is selected in the Type field.
    4. Select DATE_TIME from the Entity Name list.
    5. Select Time from the Subtype list.
    6. Description of the illustration
      Description of the illustration
    7. Increment Maximum User Input Attempts to 3.
    8. Click + Validation Rule.
    9. Enter the following FreeMarker directive in the Expression field.
      <#if (pizza.value.deliverytime.value?split(':')[0])?starts_with('0')>
      <#elseif 22 (pizza.value.deliverytime.value?split(':')[0])?number <>
    10. An image of the of the DeliveryTime prompts and error messages.
      Description of the illustration
    11. In the Error Message field, enter Sorry, we only offer delivery up to 9:30 pm.
    12. Click + Prompt and add the following prompt:
      When can we deliver that for you?
    13. Click Close.
    14. Click Flows Dialog flow editor icon in the left navbar.
    15. In the confirmMessage state, update the confirmation message to output the customer's delivery time by adding the following at the end of the message:
      Your pizza will be delivered at ${pizza.value.DeliveryTime.value?time.xs?string['hh:mm a']}. 

      When you're done, the text property definition should look like this:

      OK, so we are getting you a ${pizza.value.PizzaSize.value?lower_case} ${pizza.value.PizzaTopping.value?capitalize}. This will be on our ${pizza.value.PizzaDough.value} crust. Your pizza will be delivered at ${pizza.value.DeliveryTime.value?time.xs?string['hh:mm a']}.

    Test the Date Validation

    Test how the skill recognizes valid delivery times based on the FreeMarker expression:

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a large veggie pizza. The skill replies with "When can we deliver that for you?"
    3. Enter 10pm. The skill replies with your error message, "Sorry, we only offer delivery up to 9:30 pm."
    4. Enter a valid time, like 8pm. The skill notes the delivery time in the confirmation message.
    5. Click Reset, then close the Skill Tester.

    What you just did: You configured the DeliveryTime entity so that it not only prompts for a delivery time, but also validates that input because of the comparison operators in the Apache FreeMarker expression.

    Extract Entity Values When They're Not Entered In Order

    Customers shouldn't have to start over when they change their orders. In this step, you configure the entities and the dialog flow , you can implement functionality within the entities and the dialog that will understand if the user re-enters any entity value and to update that value and acknowledge to the users input.

    1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar, then select the entity from the entities list.
    2. Make sure that Out of Order Extraction is set to Always for both the PizzaSize and PizzaTopping bag items. Click Edit The Edit Icon to verify this setting.
    3. Click Close after you've checked both entities.

    What you just did: By ensuring that the Out of Order Extraction option is set for both of these entities, you've given the composite bag the flexibility to reset values. Here, the Out of Order Extraction option allows the skill to replace the existing pizza size value. It can be reset at any point.

    Test Out-of-Order Entity Extraction for the Pizza Size and Pizza Topping Values

    Let's test how this functionality works.

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a large pizza.
    3. When prompted for pizza topping, enter veggie please, but can you make it a medium.
    4. Complete the order process. Make sure that the confirmation message includes medium pizza, not large.
    5. Click Reset, then close the tester.

    Configure the Immediate Confirmation of the Value Change

    Now that you have configured the logic within the composite bag entity to update the pizza size value, you need the skill to immediately acknowledge this change. To do this, you need to add functionality that confirms the change before prompting the user for the next item value.

    First, add descriptions for the PizzaTopping and PizzaSize bag items in the PizzaBag:

    1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar, then select the PizzaBag entity from the entities list.
    2. Select the PizzaSize bag item, then click Edit The Edit Icon.
    3. Enter pizza size in the Description field. Then click Close.
    4. The Description field
    5. Select the PizzaTopping bag item, then click Edit The Edit Icon.
    6. Enter pizza type in the Description field. Then click Close.
    7. The Description field

    Next, update the resolvePizza state:

    1. Click Flows Dialog flow editor icon in the left navbar.
    2. In the resolvePizza state, paste the following FreeMarker list directive into the Header Text field:
      <#list system.entityToResolve.value.updatedEntities>I have updated the <#items as ent>${ent.description}<#sep> and the </#items>. </#list>
    3. The Header Text field

    What you just did: You added entity descriptions that are mined by the Apache FreeMarker directive that defines the message's header text. The list directive iterates through the entities using the system.entityToResolve.value.updatedEntities system variable. The values extracted from the composite bag item Description field (pizza size, pizza topping) are stored using the ent loop variable. The skill displays the header message that confirms the change before it prompts the customer for the next entity in the composite bag.

    Test the Confirmation Alert

    Let's test how this functionality works.

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a large pizza.
    3. Enter veggie please, but can you make it a medium. The skill replies with "I have updated the pizza size."
    4. Click Reset.
    5. Enter I want to order a large veggie pizza. After the skill prompts you for the delivery time, reply with Make that a meaty pizza. The skill replies with "I have updated the pizza type.
    6. Click Reset.
    7. Enter I want to order a large meaty pizza. After the skill prompts you for the delivery time, enter Make that a small American Hot. The skill replies with "I have updated the pizza size and pizza type."
    8. Click Reset, then close the Skill Tester.
    9. Description of the illustration
      Description of the illustration

    In addition to the delivery time and the pizza itself, the pizza skill needs to complete the order by prompting for the delivery address. Because users might enter a full address or a stored address like home, the skill needs to combine two different types of entities: a Value list entity for the stored addresses and the built-in ADDRESS entity that reads street addresses.

    In this section, you'll update the composite bag with Value List entity with items for the NamedAddress entity, which represents the different ways a user might realistically refer to an address without actually specifying the physical address, and the ADDRESS entity that extracts the city, house and road location from user input. Besides adding these related items, you'll configure the composite bag entity to resolve both of them from a single user message: a message containing home, for example, resolves the ADDRESS entity as well.

    First, create list item for the ADDRESS entity:

    1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar, then select the PizzaBag entity.
    2. Click + Bag Item.
    3. Replace BagItem1 with DeliveryAddress.
    4. Confirm that Entity is selected in the Type field.
    5. Select ADDRESS from the Entity Name list.
    6. Click Add Prompt and then enter What address can we send that to?
    7. Click Close.

    Next, add the NamedLocation entity to the bag:

    1. Click + Bag Item and then replace BagItem1 with NamedLocation.
    2. Confirm that Entity is selected in the Type field.
    3. Select NamedLocation from the Entity Name list.
    4. Select DeliveryAddress from the Extract With list.
    5. Enter false in the Prompt for Value field to prevent the skill from prompting for this value.
    6. Click Close
    7. .
      An image of the of the NamedAddress Out of Order Extraction option.
      Description of the illustration

    What you just did: You've added two related entities to the composite bag that give customers the flexibility of entering the same information in two different formats. You linked these two entities by naming DeliveryAddress in the NamedLocation's Extract With option.

    Implement the Extract With Functionality in the Dialog Flow

    You now need to update confirmation message to output a hard-coded address only when the user enters home.

    1. Click Flows Dialog flow editor icon in the left navbar.
    2. In the confirmMessage state, update the confirmation message with the delivery address by adding the following Apache FreeMarker expression to the text property definition:
      We are delivering to ${pizza.value.NamedLocation?has_content?then('Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Westminster, London SW1A 1AA',pizza.value.DeliveryAddress.originalString)}.

      When you're done, the message should look like this:

      OK, so we are getting you a ${pizza.value.PizzaSize.value?lower_case} ${pizza.value.PizzaTopping.value?capitalize}. This will be on our ${pizza.value.PizzaDough.value} crust. Your pizza will be delivered at ${pizza.value.DeliveryTime.value?time.xs?string['hh:mm a']}. We are delivering to ${pizza.value.NamedLocation?has_content?then('Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Westminster, London SW1A 1AA',pizza.value.DeliveryAddress.originalString)}.

    What you just did: For testing purposes, you set a hard-coded address of Buckingham Palace that represents the home address. The FreeMarker expression evaluates the input for the NamedAddress entity's home value and prints out this address if it's present. Otherwise, it uses the originalString property to output the actual address that's provided in the user input.

    Test the Extract With Functionality

    Let's test how this functionality works.

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a large veggie pizza for 9pm. The skill replies with "What address can we send that to?" (the prompt for the DeliveryAddress entity).
    3. Enter any address. For example, enter 1313 Mockingbird Lane. Note that the confirmation message includes the address that you entered. Click Reset.
    4. Enter I want to order a large veggie pizza for 9pm again, but when prompted for an address, enter home. Note that skill maps home to the hard-coded address. If you replied with something like, My mate, Dave's (an invalid value, one that's neither a NamedAddress value or an actual address), the skill prompts with "What address can we send that to?" until you enter a specific address or enter home.
    5. Click Reset, then close the Skill Tester.

    Enhance Error Messages

    Currently, the error message for the PizzaSize entity is static. It doesn't let the customer know what's going wrong. To output messages that reflect the incorrect user input, you need to update the entity's error message with an Apache FreeMarker expression.

    1. Click Entities Entities Menu Icon in the left navbar and then open the entity.
    2. Select the PizzaSize bag item and then click Edit The Edit Icon.
    3. Update the Error Message text with the following Apache FreeMarker expression:
      When you're done, the message will be:
      Sorry, '${system.entityToResolve.value.userInput!'this'}' is not a valid size of pizza. 
    4. An image of the of the error message text pane showing the new error message for invalid pizza size.

    What you just did: You've implemented "reflective listening" approach by adding the Apache FreeMaker expression with the system.entityToResolve.value.userInput property.

    Test the Rich Error Messaging

    Let's do one final test.

    1. Click Preview Skill tester icon to open the Skill Tester.
    2. Enter I want to order a veggie pizza for 9pm.
    3. When the skill replies with the first prompt in the sequence ("What size of pizza would you like?"), enter huge. Because of the userInput property that's appended to the system.entityToResolve.value variable in the expression, the skill replies with "Sorry, huge is not a valid size of pizza. Please choose small, medium or large pizza."
    4. Click Reset, then close the Skill Tester.

    Well done! Your skill can set and reset values. By validating the customer input, it's also less error-prone.

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