main: true name: PizzaKing context: variables: iResult: "nlpresult" pizzaSize: "PizzaSize" pizzaTopping: "PizzaTopping" deliveryTime: "TIME" pizzaOrderMsg: "string" states: intent: component: "System.Intent" properties: # variable refers to the context variable that is used to store the intent that’s resolved from the user input. This variable must be of type 'nlpresult'. variable: "iResult" # optionsPrompt (optional) is the prompt shown to the user when there are multiple top intents within the confidence win margin. Defaults to 'Do you want to'. optionsPrompt: "Do you want to" transitions: actions: OrderPizza: "startOrderPizza" CancelPizza: "cancelPizza" FileComplaint: "fileComplaint" unresolvedIntent: "startUnresolved" startOrderPizza: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true keepturn: false metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "Hello. Starting your order process now." transitions: return: "done" startUnresolved: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true keepturn: false metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "I am sorry I could not understand. Let's connect you with someone to help." transitions: return: "done" cancelPizza: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true keepturn: false metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "I am sorry to hear this. Let me take your cancellation request." transitions: return: "done" fileComplaint: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true keepturn: false metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "I am sorry to hear this. Let me take your complaint details." transitions: return: "done" maxError: component: "System.CommonResponse" properties: processUserMessage: true keepturn: false metadata: responseItems: - type: "text" text: "OK lets connect you with someone to help" transitions: return: "done"