This screenshot shows the handler.startSkill flow for the PizzaSkill - Visual Flow Designer skill. On the very left side of the page, the Flows icon is selected. On the left side of the Flow Designer, there is a list of the flows. The first flow is Main Flow. Below that are seven flows, starting with and handler.startSkill. handler.startSkill is selected. To the right of that page is the content area for handler.startSkill. It has two tabs: Flow and Configuration. The Flow tab is selected. It contains a tile named Events. Below that, it contains a diagram consisting of 5 connected tiles. The first of these tiles is named checkUserType, which has two branches. The first branch contains an arrow to a tile named welcomeUserB, from which there is an arrow to a tile called endFlowAndKe. The second branch from checkUserType has an arrow to WelcomeUser, which has an arrow to another tile named endFlowAndKe.