Add the SDK to the Project

Here are details on adding the Oracle iOS SDK to your project.

  1. Download the ODA Client SDK for iOS and extract it to your local system.
  2. Add the .xcframework file to the Frameworks file in your Xcode project. Choose the set of frameworks from the appropriate folder depending on where you want to run the app (simulator or actual device).


    Starting with Release 24.04, the frameworks for Intel and M1 Chip Mac are packaged into a single .xcframework file.
    You can drag and drop the files into the Frameworks file or you can add them as follows:
    1. Click File > Add Files to "<project name>".
    2. Choose the .framework files that you want to add depending on where you want to run the app (simulator or actual device).
    3. Make sure to that Copy items if needed (located under Destinations) is selected.
    4. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the .framework files into the project file in Xcode.
  3. After you've added the files:
    • Make sure Copy items if needed for the Destination property is selected.
    • Make sure that Add to Targets is selected for the project.
  4. Embed and sign the frameworks in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content category in the General tab. (This may vary according to the version of Xcode that you're using.) Make sure the Targets option is selected.
  5. Add the following keys in the project's Info.plist file:
    • Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description or <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key> and the corresponding <string></string> in the source code.
    • Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description or <key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> and the corresponding <string></string> in the source code.
    • Privacy - Microphone Usage Description or <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key> and the corresponding <string></string> in the source code.
    • Privacy - Camera Usage Description or <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> and the corresponding <string></string> in the source code.
    • Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description or <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> and the corresponding <string></string> in the source code.
  6. To open a location in Google maps instead of Apple maps when a user taps a map view in a location message, declare the URL schemes used by the Maps SDK for iOS in the app's Info.plist file as described in the Google Maps SDK for iOS documentation.
  7. To enable users to download attachments that are part of a skill response, set the Application Supports iTunes file sharing key (UIFileSharingEnabled) to YES and the Support opening documents in place key (LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace) to YES in the Info.plist file.