Create the Oracle Android Channel

You can configure the Android channel to connect to the Oracle Chat Server in two modes: unauthenticated mode and authenticated mode (to protect access to the channel).

  • Unauthenticated mode – Use the unauthenticated mode when the client can't generate signed JWT tokens, when no authentication mechanism is in place, or when the client app is already secured and visible to authenticated users.
  • Authenticated mode – Authentication is enforced using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The customer's backend server generates the JWT token, which is then passed to the Oracle Andriod SDK. This token is used for each request to an ODA speech, text, or attachment server.


    To protect access to the channel, the token must always be generated by a remote server. It must never be generated within by the client app.
    When the app needs to connect to an ODA server, it first requests the token from the backend server and then adds it to the Authorization header. The ODA server validates the token, evaluates the claims, and then either opens the socket or rejects the connection.
The JWT Token has the following claims: channelId and userId, and the claim names iat (issued at time), and exp (expiration time). iat signifies the time at which the token was issued. This must be a number that represents the seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch. exp must be a number representing the seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch. We recommend setting the expiration time to at least 30 minutes after the issued at time (iat). The token header looks something like this:

 "alg": "HS256",

 "typ": "JWT"

An example token body looks something like this:

  "iat": 1569828182,

  "exp": 1569831782,

  "channelId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

  "userId": "John"



The token illustrated by this example is not signed. The actual tokens are signed by channel's Secret Key.

Configure the Oracle Android Channel

To configure the Oracle Android channel:
  1. Choose Development, then Channels from the menu.
  2. Choose Users.
  3. Click Add Channel and then Oracle Android as the channel type.
  4. Complete the dialog:
    • Enter the channel name.
    • For authenticated connections:
      • Switch on the Client Authentication Enabled toggle to determine whether the SDK is connecting to a client authentication-enabled channel.
      • In the Max. Token Expiration (Minutes) field, set the maximum amount of time for the JWT token.
    • For unauthenticated connections:
      • Switch off Client Authentication Enable toggle.
    • Set the Session expiration time.
    • Click Create. Oracle Digital Assistant will generate the Channel ID and the Secret Key that you need to initialize the SDK. Keep these close at hand.
  5. Route the channel to your skill or digital assistant.
  6. Switch Channel Enabled to On.