6 Sample Digital Assistants and Skills

To get you familiar with the skill and digital assistant builders, as well as some of the techniques used to create dialog flows, intents, and entities, we’ve provided you with a sample digital assistant and some sample skills. You can use them as references as you build your own.

The following digital assistant is included. You can access it by clicking icon to open the side menu, selecting Development > Store, clicking the tile for the digital assistant, and clicking the Pull button.

Digital Assistant Description
Financial.DigitalAssistant A digital assistant with four skills that highlights a variety of useful design and implementation practices, including composite bag entities, ML entities, visual flow design, test suites, handling of small talk, and using well-trained answer intents to answer FAQs. You can use this as a template of best practices to consider following in your own digital assistant development. See this Oracle Digital Assistant Blog entry for a guide to some of the best practices used in this digital assistant.

The following sample skills are included. You can access them by clicking icon to open the side menu, selecting Development > Store, clicking the tile for the skill you want, and clicking the Pull button.

Skill Description
PizzaSkill - Visual Flow Designer Shows a dialog flow that was created with the Visual Flow Designer and demonstrates the following techniques:
  • Separate flows for each regular intent.
  • A default flow for answer intents.
  • A special flow for an answer intent that includes states that allow the user to respond to the answer.
  • Creating user-scoped variables to store user information from prior visits.
  • Use of resource bundles for messages to users.
  • Native multi-language support.

See Tour of the Visual Flow Designer Sample Skill.

Financial.Account A sample banking skill that is part of the Financial.DigitalAssistant sample digital assistant. This skill highlights a variety of useful design and implementation practices, including composite bag entities, ML entities, visual flow design, and test suites.
Financial.Common A sample utility skill that is part of the Financial.DigitalAssistant sample digital assistant. This skill provides common functionality for the whole digital assistant, including greeting and acknowledgement behavior and handling of unrelated small talk that a user might initiate.
Financial.Insurance An FAQ skill that is part of the Financial.DigitalAssistant sample digital assistant. This skill uses answer intents that are trained to answer common questions about insurance.
Financial.OnlineBanking An FAQ skill that is part of the Financial.DigitalAssistant sample digital assistant. This skill uses answer intents that are trained to answer common questions about online banking.


There are a number of older sample skills in the Store, such as PizzaBot, PizzaBotWithMemory, CrcPizzaBot, CbPizzaBot, FinancialQnaBot, and WineBot. However, none of these use the Visual Flow Designer or demonstrate currently recommended design practices. If you want to learn by example with sample skills, it is best to use the skills in the table above.