dbaascli cswlib download

The cswlib download subcommand of the dbaascli utility downloads available software images and makes them available in your Exadata Cloud Service environment.

Connect to the compute node as the opc user and execute this command as the root user.

# dbaascli cswlib download --version software_version --bp software_bp [--bp_update ( yes | no )] [--cdb ( yes | no )]

In the preceding command:

  • software_version — specifies an Oracle Database software version. For example, 11204, 12102, 12201, 18000, 19000.

  • software_bp — identifies a bundle patch release. For example, APR2018, JAN2019, OCT2019, and so on.

  • --bp_update — optionally indicates whether the downloaded software image becomes the current default software image. Default is no.

  • --cdb — optionally specifies whether the downloaded software image supports the Oracle multitenant architecture. Default is yes. If you specify --cdb no, then a separate software image is downloaded that contains binaries to support non-container databases (non-CDB).

To see Oracle Database software images that are available to download to your Exadata Cloud Service environment, use the dbaascli cswlib list command.