About Exadata Cloud Service Roles and Users

In addition to the roles and privileges described in Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud, the DBaaS Database Administrator role is created for Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

When the Exadata Cloud Service account is first set up, the service administrator is given this role. User accounts with this role must be added before anyone else can access and use Exadata Cloud Service.

The identity domain administrator can create more Exadata Cloud Service administrators by creating user accounts and assigning them the DBaaS Database Administrator role. See Managing User Accounts in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud.

The following table summarizes the privileges given to the DBaaS Database Administrator role.

Description of Privilege More Information

Can create and delete database deployments

Creating a Database Deployment

Deleting a Database Deployment

Can scale, patch, and back up or restore database deployments

Scaling an Exadata Cloud Service Instance

Patching Exadata Cloud Service

Backing Up and Restoring Databases on Exadata Cloud Service

Can monitor and manage service usage in Oracle Cloud

Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud Services in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud