Replace a Database Using a Cloud Backup



Replace the database in an existing Exadata Cloud Service database deployment using a backup of another database.

The backup must be have been created by Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service and stored in an Oracle Storage Cloud Service container. Additionally, the database contained by the cloud backup must meet certain suitability requirements:

  • It must be at version, or with the latest PSU (patch set update) applied.

  • If it is an Oracle 12c database, it must be a multitenant container database (CDB). Exadata Cloud Service does not support non-CDB Oracle 12c databases.

  • It must use File System or ASM as its storage method for data files.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
  • The value depends on the type of Exadata Cloud Service account that is used to make the request:

    • For a Traditional Cloud Account, specify the Identity Domain Name that is associated with the service.

    • For a Cloud Account with Identity Cloud Service, specify the Identity Service Id that is associated with the service, which has the format idcs-letters-and-numbers.

  • Name of the Exadata Cloud Service database deployment.
Header Parameters
Form Parameters
  • String containing a JSON object with the following parameters:

    • ibkupOnPremise: boolean

      Use this option to indicate the origin of the source database backup. The origin of the backup may be another Exadata Cloud Service database deployment in the same identity domain or another (on-premise) database that was backed up to cloud storage using Database Backup Cloud Service. Valid values are true for an on-premise database backup and false for another Exadata Cloud Service database backup. Default value is true.

    • ibkupDatabaseID: string

      Database id of the database from which the existing cloud backup was created. This parameter is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to true.

    • ibkupDecryptionKey: string

      Password used to create the existing, password-encrypted cloud backup. This password is used to decrypt the backup. Specify either ibkupDecryptionKey or walletArchiveFile for decrypting the backup. A decryption key or wallet is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to true.

    • ibkupCloudStorageContainer: string

      Name of the Oracle Storage Cloud Service container where the existing cloud backup is stored. This parameter is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to true.

    • ibkupCloudStorageUser: string

      User name of an Oracle Cloud user who has read access to the container specified in ibkupCloudStorageContainer. This parameter is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to true.

    • ibkupCloudStoragePassword: string

      Password of the Oracle Cloud user specified in ibkupCloudStorageUser. This parameter is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to true.

    • ibkupServiceID: string

      Exadata Cloud Service database deployment name whose backup is being used as the source of the instantiate from backup operation. This parameter is required if ibkupOnPremise is set to false.

  • Zip file containing the source database's Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) wallet directory, and the contents of that directory.
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202 Response

Accepted. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.
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The following example shows how to replace a database using a cloud backup on an Exadata Cloud Service database deployment by submitting a PUT request on the REST endpoint using cURL.

In this example:

  • The identity domain associated with the request is usexample.

  • The user name and password for the Oracle Cloud user performing the request are serviceadmin and Pa55_word.

  • The name of the target database deployment is my12c.

  • The database identifier for the backed up database is 1406645724.

  • The cloud storage container where the database backup is located is Storage-usexample/db12c.

  • The user name and password required to access the storage container are storageuser and Pa55_word2.

  • The administration password setting applied to the database after instantiation is Pa55_word3.

  • The credentials required to decrypt the backup are provided in a zip file that contains the Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) wallet directory and its contents. The full path to the zip file location is /home/

cURL Command

In the following cURL command, the request body is provided directly as an argument in the cURL command.

curl -i -X PUT --cacert ~/cacert.pem -u serviceadmin:Pa55_word -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:usexample" -H "content-type: multipart/form-data" -F 'payload={ "ibkupOnPremise" : true , "ibkupDatabaseID" : "1406645724", "ibkupCloudStorageContainer" : "Storage-usexample/db12c", "ibkupCloudStorageUser" : "storageuser", "ibkupCloudStoragePassword" : "Pa55_word2", "adminPassword" : "Pa55_word3" }' -F "walletArchiveFile=@/home/"

HTTP Status Code and Response Headers

HTTP/2.0 202
server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
content-language: en
access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, api_key, Authorization, X-ID-TENANT-NAME, X-USER-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS, HEAD
x-oracle-dms-ecid: 005MJGj^9dg6uHFpR0H7id0003mK0003iW
x-oracle-dms-ecid: 005MJGj^9dg6uHFpR0H7id0003mK0003iW
access-control-allow-origin: *
x-frame-options: DENY
content-type: application/json
vary: user-agent
date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 06:05:57 GMT

Response Body

{"operationName":"replace-database-from-existing-backup-dbaas-service","job_id":"15508946","Message":"Replace from backup request submitted successfully.","Status":"SUCCESS"}
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