Call SOAP and RESTful Web Services

The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package enables you to integrate other systems with Oracle Application Express by allowing you to interact with Web services anywhere you can use PL/SQL in your application. The API contains procedures and functions to call both SOAP and RESTful style Web services.

It contains functions to parse the responses from Web services and to encode/decode in to SOAP friendly base64 encoding.This API also contains package globals for managing cookies and HTTP headers when calling Web services whether from the API or by using standard processes of type Web service. Cookies and HTTP headers can be set before invoking a call to a Web service by populating the globals and the cookies and HTTP headers returned from the Web service response can be read from other globals.

  • All Web services must be secured. Only HTTPS services are supported. Exadata Express is pre-configured with an Oracle Wallet that contains more than 90 of the most common root and intermediate SSL certificates. The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package automatically takes advantage of this Oracle Wallet without additional configuration from application developers. This Oracle Wallet is centrally managed and therefore you cannot consume 3rd party Web services that are protected using self-signed SSL certificates.
  • Exadata Express is pre-configured with a network access control list (ACL) to permit outbound Web service calls. No further configuration by application developers is necessary.
  • All outbound requests flow through the Oracle Cloud web proxy. The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package automatically uses this proxy without additional configuration from application developers.
  • There is a limit of 50,000 outbound Web service requests per Application Express workspace in a 24 hour period.

To learn more, see APEX_WEB_SERVICE in Oracle Application Express API Reference .