3 Connect Tools and Utilities

Exadata Express supports these tools and utilities.

About Connecting Tools and Utilities

Oracle makes a variety of tools available for use with Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service. Download links to these tools and utilities are displayed in the Exadata Express Service Console. Most of these links point to download pages hosted on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

You can use Exadata Express with Oracle SQL Developer, an integrated environment for SQL and PL/SQL development, and Oracle SQLcl, an enhanced command-line interface. These tools have been refreshed and now include enhancements specifically for Exadata Express. Please use Oracle SQL Developer version 4.1.5 or later, which is available for download from SQL Developer Downloads on OTN. For Oracle SQLcl, download the most recent version from Oracle SQLcl Downloads on OTN. Note these both require Java to be installed on your machine. You should be using a recently updated Java version plus JCE cryptographic extensions. See Connect SQL Developer for more information about setting up SQL Developer and Connect SQLcl for more information about setting up SQLcl for use with Exadata Express.