Create Database Schemas

The Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service has a default schema created when the service was first provisioned. You can create additional schemas for your service from the Service Console or from other database development tools, including Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle SQLcl, and Oracle SQL*Plus.

Create a Database Schema Using the Service Console

The Service Console for Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service provides an easy way to create a new schema for your service.

To create a new schema from the Service Console:
  1. Access the service console for your service. See Access the Service Console.
    The Service Console displays.
  2. Open the Manage page and click Database Schema under Database Management section.

    The Create Database Schema dialog appears.

  3. Make the following entries:
    1. Schema – enter the name of the new schema.
    2. Password – enter the password for the new schema.
    3. Confirm password – re-enter the password for confirmation.
  4. Select all the following that apply:
    1. Allow Access from Oracle APEX – select to allow Oracle Application Express associate with the schema.
    2. Enable Oracle REST Data Services – select to enable Oracle REST Data Services access to the schema.
  5. Click Create Database Schema.
    The Success dialog displays.
  6. Click Done.

Create a Database Schema Using Oracle SQL Developer

Using Oracle SQL Developer, you can connect as a PDB_ADMIN to create a new user and create a new schema simply by executing SQL statements. A new schema is created for the new user.

To create a new schema from Oracle SQL Developer:
  1. Download and install Oracle SQL Developer. See Connect SQL Developer.
  2. Configure Oracle SQL Developer. See Configure Oracle SQL Developer Cloud Connection .
  3. Connect with Oracle SQL Developer. See Connect SQL Developer.
  4. Execute the create user statement. For example, create a new user named smith with a password of password as follows:
    CREATE USER smith IDENTIFIED BY password;


    The password specified, after IDENTIFIED BY in this example, is needed when creating a connection to this schema from SQL Developer.
  5. Grant specific access to the new schema user. For example:
  6. Verify schema creation. For example, use the following query for new user smith:
    SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users
    WHERE username = 'SMITH';

Create a Database Schema Using Oracle SQLcl

Using Oracle SQLcl, you can connect as a PDB_ADMIN to create a new user and create a new schema simply by executing SQL statements. A new schema is created for the new user.

To create a new schema using SQLcl:
  1. Download and install Oracle SQLcl. See Connect SQLcl.
  2. Configure Oracle SQLcl. See Configure Oracle SQLcl Cloud Connection.
  3. Connect with Oracle SQLcl. See Connect SQLcl.
  4. Execute the create user statement. For example, create a new user named smith with a password of password as follows:
    CREATE USER smith IDENTIFIED BY password


    The password specified, after IDENTIFIED BY in this example, is needed when creating a connection to this schema from SQL Developer.
  5. Grant specific access to the new schema user. For example:
  6. Verify schema creation. For example, use the following query for new user smith:
    SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users
    WHERE username = 'SMITH';

Create a Database Schema Using Oracle SQL*Plus

Using Oracle SQL*Plus, you can connect as a PDB_ADMIN to create a new user and create a new schema simply by executing SQL statements.

To create a new schema from Oracle SQL*Plus:
  1. Download, install and connect with Oracle SQL*Plus. See Connect SQL*Plus.
  2. Execute the CREATE USER statement. For example, create a new user named michaela with a password of password as follows:
    CREATE USER smith IDENTIFIED BY password


    The password specified, after IDENTIFIED BY in this example, is needed when creating a connection to this schema from SQL Developer.
  3. Grant specific access to the new schema user. For example:
  4. Verify schema creation. For example, use the following query for new user smith:
    SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users 
    WHERE username = 'SMITH';