Install APEX Applications

After the schema import, you can access Oracle Application Express applications by restoring the applications using APEX Application Archive packaged app or create a new workspace and associate the schema with the newly created workspace or associate with the existing workspace.

Perform the following steps after importing database schemas to Exadata Express to access APEX applications. The following post import tasks apply only to Exadata Express customers who run APEX applications.
  1. If you want to use imported database schemas with APEX applications, then associate the imported schema to a workspace. See Manage Database Schema Association with Oracle Application Express.
  2. To verify and view the associated schema, login to your Oracle Application Express workspace, click SQL Workshop tab, click SQL Commands and then click the drop-down arrow next to Schema.
  3. Install Oracle Application Express applications manually or execute the APEX Application Archive packaged app in Exadata Express to restore the applications archives. For more information, see Restore Oracle APEX Applications and Manage and View Application Archives.


    If... And... Then...
    You are using schemas imported from Schema Service -
    • The Oracle Application Express applications are always archived on export. The applications are available to you when you import the Schema Service schemas.

    • Execute Step 1 through Step 3.

    You are using schemas imported from Exadata Express - The Oracle Application Express applications are not always archived on export. Users can archive applications manually or use APEX Application Archive packaged app. See Application Archiving.
    The applications were archived manually before exporting the schema After importing the schema, perform Step 1 and Step 3.
    The applications were not archived manually before exporting the schema After importing the schema, perform Step 1 and migrate each application from source Exadata Express to destination Exadata Express through the import/export function in APEX. See Exporting an Application and Importing Export Files in Oracle Application Express App Builder User's Guide.