Send Emails

You can use the APEX_MAIL package to send an email from an Oracle Application Express application. APEX_MAIL contains three procedures for sending, delivering and adding attachments to emails.

Use APEX_MAIL.SEND to send an outbound email message from your application. Use APEX_MAIL.PUSH_QUEUE to deliver mail messages stored in APEX_MAIL_QUEUE. Use APEX_MAIL.ADD_ATTACHMENT to send an outbound email message from your application as an attachment.


  APEX_Mail.Send( '', '', 
                  'This is some test plain text', 
                  'This is some test <b>HTML</b>', 
                  'Test Email Subject' );


There is a built in limit of 5000 emails in any given 24 hour period. If you try to send more, you get an error.

To learn more, see APEX_MAIL in Oracle Application Express API Reference .