About Vanity URLs

Exadata Express customers can promote their own brand by exposing APEX applications and REST endpoints from a custom vanity URL. This vanity URL can replace or complement the default oraclecloudapps.com domain and Oracle SSL certificate. For example, if the URL of your company is https://www.example.com, then you can expose REST APIs developed in Exadata Express using https://api.example.com vanity URL.

To configure your vanity URL, you must have a custom domain name, matching digital SSL certificate, and an instance of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic (LBaaS). LBaaS is available through Universal Credits. You must separately obtain a load balancing instance. You can obtain a domain name from a web service provider or use the domain name of your company and obtain a digital SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority.

The vanity URL configuration is a multi-step process. The following diagram shows how LBaaS can be used to implement vanity URLs in Exadata Express.

To understand the workflow, see Workflow for Configuring Vanity URLs. In addition, you optionally can define a whitelist that restricts HTTPS access to certain IP addresses while configuring your load balancer instance.

See Also: