Oracle by Example brandingMoving Dependent Database Objects to Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service

section 0Before You Begin

This tutorial shows you how to use Oracle SQL Developer database connections to drag and drop database objects from an on-premises Oracle database to an Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service database. This tutorial takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.


Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and Cloud deployments.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to an Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service.
  • Access to an on-premises Oracle Database.
  • Oracle SQL Developer with a database connection configured to connect to your on-premises Oracle database.
  • Oracle SQL Developer with a database connection configured to connect to your Exadata Express database.
  • Report of Dependent Database Objects you need to move.

section 1Move Dependent Database Objects to Exadata Express

Use Oracle SQL Developer to move database objects from your on-premises Oracle Database to Exadata Express Cloud Service. 

  1. Open the SQL Developer connection to your on-premises database.
  2. Open the SQL Developer connection to your Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service.
  3. Refer to your report of Dependent Database Objects, you generated before performing this tutorial, in order to know which objects to move.
  4. Use Oracle SQL Developer connections tree to drag and drop required database objects listed in the report, from the on-premises Oracle Database to Exadata Express service in the connections tree.

    Note: Select the on-premises object(s), and carefully drag your mouse cursor upward or downward to start the scrolling of the connections tree, to see the target Exadata Express schema in which to drop the objects. The following illustration suggests a side-to-side drag and drop, only for the purpose of minimizing the length of the illustration.
    drag and drop
    Description of this illustration drag_and_drop_illustration034.jpg
  5. The Copy To Oracle dialog opens. It provides you with options to choose to copy DDL or data or both. Under each category, you have options to choose an action to be performed if the database object already exists in your Exadata Express service. Select the required options, and click OK.
    copy to oracle dialog
    Description of this illustration copy_to_oracle_dialog035.jpg.

  6. You can browse the Connections tree to verify if the selected database objects are copied in your Exadata Express connection.

    Note: You can also drag an entire node, such as 'tables' and it will drag all the tables, and their related objects such as triggers, indexes, and constraints, for dropping into your destination database.
    results of drag and drop
    Description of this illustration results of drag and drop38.jpg
    You have completed the migration of data needed to run the application in Exadata Express.

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