Managing Certificates

You must upload signed certificates for the shard directors (GSMs) to the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database before you can deploy the configuration.

When you create a Globally Distributed Autonomous Database, a certificate signing request (CSR) is generated.

Using the Console

You can manage certificates on the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database details page.

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at, navigate to the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database home page, and select the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database for which you want to manage certificates.

  2. Click Manage certificate on the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database details page.

  3. Click Download CSR in the Manage Certificates panel.

    If there is no certificate available for download, go back to the Manage Certificates panel and click Generate CSR. In the Generate CSR dialog select the region and CA bundle with which to generate the CSR, and click Generate CSR.

  4. Create a certificate with the CSR using the same Certificate Authority (CA) used to create certificates for the Autonomous VM clusters.

    The Certificate Authority (CA) that is the issuer of the GSM certificate should be the same as that used for the Exadata Autonomous VM Cluster certificate (see Task 5. Configure Security Resources).

    If there are multiple issuers for Exadata Autonomous VM Cluster certificates, make sure only one of the issuers of Exadata Autonomous VM Clusters signs the GSM certificate.

  5. Upload the Certificate.

    To upload the signed certificate, click Manage Certificates on the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database details page as described above, then choose an option on the lower half of the panel to upload the certificate.

    You can upload the signed certificate as a Certificate file (.crt), or paste the content into the field.

    See Creating a Certificate for more information.

Now you are ready to deploy and start the Globally Distributed Autonomous Database. See Deploying Globally Distributed Autonomous Database