Viewing Globally Distributed Autonomous Database Details

Finding the Details Page

You view Globally Distributed Autonomous Database configuration, backup, and maintenance information by going to its Details page.

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at
  2. Click the Menu icon menu icon in the top left corner to display the navigation menu.
  3. Click Oracle Database in the navigation menu.
  4. Choose Globally Distributed Autonomous Database under Oracle Database.

    The Globally Distributed Autonomous Database home page opens.

  5. If needed, switch to the compartment hosting the database.

    See Understanding Compartments for information about using and managing compartments.

  6. In the list of databases, select the name of the database you want.

    The Details page for the selected database is displayed.

    The Globally Distributed Autonomous Database information tab shows some configuration information.

There are a few places to look for information depending on what you are looking for.

Resource Information

The Database information panel, which is accessed when you click Show all, gives the following details:

  • Name: Display name
  • Compartment
  • OCID: Here you can view the full OCID or copy it
  • Deployment type: Dedicated Infrastructure
  • Workload type: Transaction Processing
  • Data distribution: Automated or User managed
  • Database version: Oracle Database release number (for example,
  • Created: Creation date (for example, Fri, May 12, 2023, 20:02:40 UTC)
  • Lifecycle state: Available, Failed
  • Listener port: Default 1522
  • ONS ports (local): Default 6123
  • ONS ports (remote): Default 6234
  • TLS port
  • Cluster certificate common name
  • Character set: For example, AL16UTF16
  • National character set: For example, AL16UTF16
  • Time zone For example, UTC
  • Last updated

Configuration Summary

The Summary panel, accessed by choosing Summary from the More actions menu, displays some of the same information as the Database information panel, but in addition you will find:.

  • Database name prefix
  • Username Administrator user name
  • Shards and Catalog details: Shard name, ECPU, ECPU auto scaling, Storage, Primary region, Primary VM cluster, Data Guard enabled, Data Guard region, and Data Guard VM cluster
  • Tags such as Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy and Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn

Shard and Catalog Tab (Shown for release 19c)

The Shards and Catalog tab displays a searchable, filterable summary of each database in the Global Scale Autonomous Database configuration, which includes:

  • State of the database (Available or Failed)
  • Allocated ECPUs and storage
  • Shard group or shard space membership
  • Region of deployment
  • Availability domain
  • VM cluster

In addition you can click on the Disaster Recovery arrow at the right end of each row to display any Data Guard configuration information.

Shards Tab (Shown for release 23ai)

The Shards tab displays a list of all of the shards with their configuration settings.

If Raft replication type is configured you can toggle Show replication units to see the status of the replication unit leaders and followers on each shard.

Catalog Tab (Shown for release 23ai)

The Catalog tab displays the configuration settings for the catalog database.

Replication Unit Tab (Shown for release 23ai)

If your Globally Distributed Autonomous Database was configured with Raft replication type, this tab displays a list of the replication units by ID number. An icon indicates the status of the individual replication unit members and each member is labeled with the shard it resides on.

Work Requests (Shown for all releases)

The work requests tab displays the status of ongoing operations on the databases.