Add an Extract for PostgreSQL

Extract is a process that runs against the source data source connection and extracts, or captures, data. Learn how to add an Extract for PostgreSQL Database, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL technologies.

Ensure that you follow the appropriate instructions for your deployment version.

Add an Extract (21c)

Before you begin

Before adding and running an Extract to capture data from the source, ensure that you:

  • Prepare your database for Oracle GoldenGate
  • Created a PostgreSQL connection and associated the connection to the PostgreSQL deployment
  • Enable supplemental logging:
    1. Launch the PostgreSQL GoldenGate deployment console:
      1. From the Deployments page, select the PostgreSQL deployment to view its details.
      2. On the PostgreSQL deployment details page, click Launch console.
      3. On the deployment console sign in page, enter the GoldenGate admin credentials provided when you created the PostgreSQL deployment.
    2. After signing in, open the navigation menu, and then click Configuration.
    3. For the PostgreSQL database connection, click Connect. Checkpoint table and TRANDATA fields appear if the connection is successful.
    4. Next to TRANDATA Information, click Add TRANDATA (plus icon).
    5. Enter a table name, schema name, or wildcard. For example, src_ociggll.*.
    6. Click Submit.


      You only need to click Submit once. Use the search field to search for your table name and verify the tables were added.
To add an Extract for PostgreSQL in GoldenGate 21c:
  1. In the OCI GoldenGate deployment console, ensure that you're on the Administration Service Overview page, and then click Add Extract (plus icon).
  2. For Extract Type, select one of the following:
    • Initial Load Extract
    • Change Data Capture Extract
  3. Enter the Process Name, select the Credential Domain and Alias, and then enter a two-character name for the Trail name.
  4. If you selected Initial Load Extract, click Next and skip to Step 7 - Extract Parameters. If you selected Change Data Capture Extract, you can click Register only to return to register the Extract and then return to the Overview page, or click Next to configure additional Extract Options.


    Register only registers the Extract without adding it. The registration creates the replication slot when you register the Extract or use the Register Only option.
  5. On the Extract Options page, under Basic Information, complete the fields as needed:
    1. For Process Name, enter a name for the Extract process, up to 8 characters.
    2. For Intent, select the option that best describes the purpose of this Extract:
      • Now
      • Custom time
      • Position in log
      • End of log
    3. For Trail Name, enter a two character name for the Trail file.
    4. (Optional) For Trail Subdirectory, set a custom location for the generated Trail file.
    5. (Optional) For Trail Size, set the max size for the generated trail file.
    6. (Optional) Under Managed Options, you can configure the following:
      • Profile Name
      • Auto Start
      • Auto Restart


      Adding a profile and configuring Auto Start and Auto Restart options enables your deployment to restart automatically after a network disruption. See Configure managed processes for more information.
  6. On the Extract Parameters page, you can edit the parameter file in the text area to list the table details to capture. For example:
    table source.table1;


    GoldenGate uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by default. Use SETENV to override the default setting for the Extract. This change applies only to the Extract process and not the deployment.
    setenv (TZ="US/Eastern")
    setenv (TZ="GMT+5")

    Learn more about SETENV.

  7. Click Create and Run to create and start the Extract. If you click Create, then you can manually start Extract later from the Administration Service Overview page.
You're returned to the Administration Service Overview page, where you can view the status of the Extract process. Select Details from the Extract Action menu to view process information, checkpoint, statistics, paramters, and reports.

Add an Extract (23ai)

Before you begin

Before adding and running an Extract to capture data from the source, ensure that you:

  • Prepare the database for Oracle GoldenGate.
  • Created a PostgreSQL connection and associated the connection to the PostgreSQL deployment
  • Enable supplemental logging:
    1. Launch the PostgreSQL GoldenGate deployment console:
      1. From the Deployments page, select the PostgreSQL deployment to view its details.
      2. On the PostgreSQL deployment details page, click Launch console.
      3. On the deployment console sign in page, enter the GoldenGate admin credentials provided when you created the PostgreSQL deployment.
    2. After signing in, in the navigation menu, click DB Connections.
    3. For the PostgreSQL database connection, click Connect. Checkpoint table and TRANDATA fields appear if the connection is successful.
    4. Next to TRANDATA Information, click Add TRANDATA (plus icon).
    5. Enter a table name, schema name, or wildcard. For example, src_ociggll.*.
    6. Click Submit.


      You only need to click Submit once. Use the search field to search for your table name and verify the tables were added.
To add an Extract in Oracle GoldenGate 23ai:
  1. In the OCI GoldenGate deployment console, on the Administration Service Home page, click Add Extract.
  2. In the Add Extract panel, on the Extract Information page, complete the following fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Select an Extract Type:
      • Integrated Extract
      • Initial Load Extract
    • Enable Downstream Capture (optional), if applicable
    • Enter a Process Name, no more than 8 characters long.
    • Enter a Description (optional) to help you distinguish this process from others.
  3. On the Extract Options page, complete the following fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Select the Source Credentials:
      • Domain
      • Alias
    • Registration options:
      • Enter the Commit Sequence Number (CSN).
      • For Share, choose a method to share the LogMiner data directory:
        • Automatic: allows the system to choose the method for sharing.
        • None: doesn't share the dictionary.
        • Extract Name: shares the LogMiner dictionary for this Extract.
      • Enable Optimized to optimize Extract registration.
    • Extract Trail:
      • Enter a Name for the Extract process.
      • Enter a Subdirectory name to set a custom location for the generated Trail file.
      • Enter Trail Sequence to set the starting number for Trail files.
      • Enter a Trail Size to set the max size for the generated trail file.
      • Select an Encryption Profile. The Local Wallet profile is selected by default if an encryption profile wasn't created.
      • Select an Encryption Algorithm:
        • NONE
        • AES256
        • AES192
        • AES128
  4. The Downstream Capture page applies only if Downstream Capture is selected on the Extract Information page.
  5. On the Managed Options page, complete the following optional fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Profile Name
    • Critical to deployment health
    • Auto Start
    • Auto Restart


    Adding a profile and configuring Auto Start and Auto Restart options enables your deployment to restart automatically after a network disruption. See Configure managed processes to learn more.

  6. On the Parameter File page, you can edit the parameter file in the text area to list the table details to capture. For example:
    table source.table1;


    GoldenGate uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by default. Use SETENV to override the default setting for the Extract. This change applies only to the Extract process and not the deployment.
    setenv (TZ="US/Eastern")
    setenv (TZ="GMT+5")
  7. Click Create and Run to create and start the Extract. If you click Create, then you can manually start the Extract later from the Administration Service Home page.