Add a Replicat for Confluent Kafka

Learn to add a replicat process for Confluent Kafka.

Add a Replicat (21c)

To add a Replicat for an Confluent Kafka target in Oracle Goldengate 21c:
  1. In the OCI GoldenGate deployment console, on the Administration Service Overview page, click Add Replicat (plus icon).
  2. On the Add Replicat page, select a Replicat type, and then click Next.
    The types of Replicats are:
    • Classic Replicat
    • Coordinated Replicat
  3. On the Replicat Options page, complete the following fields, and then click Next:
    1. For Process Name, enter a name for the Replicat process.
    2. (Optional) For Description, enter a brief description to distinguish this Replicat from others.
    3. For Trail Name, enter two-character trail name.
    4. For Target, select Kafka from the dropdown.
    5. For Available Alias, select the Confluent Kafka connection.
    6. Enable Kafka Connect.
    7. For Converter, select Avro.
    8. For Schema Registry, select the Confluent Schema Registry connection.
  4. On the Parameter File page, add and configure Replicat parameters as needed, and then click Next.


    GoldenGate uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by default. Use SETENV to override the default setting. For example:
    setenv (TZ="US/Eastern")
    setenv (TZ="GMT+5")

    Learn more about SETENV.

  5. On the Properties File page, configure the following Kafka Connect property:
    • For gg.handler.kafkaconnect.topicMappingTemplate: provide the Confluent Kafka topic name.
  6. Click Create and Run. If you click Create, then you can manually start the Replicat later from the Administration Service Overview page.
You return to the Administration Service Overview page where you can view the creation of the Replicat process and access Replicat Actions.

Add a Replicat (23ai)

Before you add and run a Replicat, ensure that you review details specific to this target type
To add a Replicat for Confluent Kafka in Oracle GoldenGate 23ai:
  1. In the OCI GoldenGate deployment console, on the Administration Service Home page, click Add Replicat (plus icon).
  2. In the Add Replicat panel, on the Replicat Information page, complete the fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Select a Replicat Type:
      • Classic Replicat
      • Coordinated Replicat
    • Enter a Process Name, no more than 5 characters long.
    • Enter a Description, to help distinguish this process from others.
  3. On the Replicat Options page, complete the fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Replicat Trail:
      • Enter a Name.
      • Enter a Subdirectory, if you expect the Trail file to be in a location other than the default.
      • Select an Encryption profile. If an encryption profile wasn't created, the Local Wallet is selected by default.
      • For Begin, select the starting point for data processing:
        • Position in Log (default)
        • Now
        • Custom Time
    • Trail Position:
      • Enter the Sequence Number.
      • Enter the RBA Offset.
      • Select Kafka from the Target dropdown.
      • Enable Kafka Connect.
    • Target Credentials:
      • Select a Domain.
      • Select an Alias within the specified Domain.
      • Select a Checkpoint Table. Leave the default selection or select the checkpoint table you created for the target deployment.
      • Select the Max Threads Number (Coordinated Replicats only).
  4. On the Managed Options page, complete the optional fields as needed, and then click Next:
    • Select a Profile Name, if one is available.
    • Enable Critical to deployment health.
    • Enable and configure Auto Start settings.
  5. On the Parameter File page, you can add parameters to further configure your Replicat. For example:
    table source.table1;

    If using Coordinated Replicat, add TARGETDB LIBFILE SET property=/u02/Deployment/etc/conf/ogg/ to the parameters file.


    GoldenGate uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by default. Use SETENV to override the default setting for this Replicat process. This change doesn't apply to deployments. For example:

    setenv (TZ="US/Eastern")
    setenv (TZ="GMT+5")
  6. On the Properties File page, review the properties and ensure that you set values for each property marked as #TODO, as needed.

    For example, forgg.handler.kafkahandler.topicMappingTemplate=, enter the stream name.

  7. Click Create and Run. If you click Create, then you can manually start the Replicat later from the Administration Service Home page.