Using the Admin Client

Admin Client is a command line utility for controlling and configuring tasks in Oracle GoldenGate and OCI GoldenGate.

Access Admin Client

Use Admin Client to connect to OCI GoldenGate to configure tasks and view process information and log messages. You can launch Admin Client one of two ways:

  • Click Launch Admin Client on the deployment details page.
  • Launch Cloud Shell, and then run Admin Client.


If you have an Oracle GoldenGate Marketplace version running on a Compute instance, you can access its AdminClient to connect to your OCI GoldenGate deployment.

Connect to Admin Client through Cloud Shell

To connect to a OCI GoldenGate deployment with a public endpoint in Cloud Shell, run the following commands:
connect <deployment-public-url-or-ip> as <goldengate-user> password <goldengate-password> !


  • You can find the deployment's url and public IP address on its deployment details page.
  • If you encounter the error, bash: adminclient: command not found, then use the following steps to change Cloud Shell's architecture:
    1. From the Cloud Shell's Actions menu, select Architecture.
    2. In the Architecture dialog, select X86_64 for preferred architecture, and then click Confirm.

However, if the deployment has a private endpoint, then you must create a bastion, bastion session, and SSH tunnel.

To connect to a private OCI GoldenGate deployment in Admin Client:

  1. In the Oracle Cloud console global navigation bar, click Cloud Shell. If this is your first time connecting to Cloud Shell, it will take a few moments to connect.
  2. You can run the following command to generate SSH keys, or skip this step and generate the keys when you create the bastion:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Keep the default filename and don't enter a passphrase when prompted. The private key is located at ~/ssh/id_rsa and the public key is located at ~/ssh/

  3. On the deployment details page, take note of the deployment's Private IP and Subnet information.
  4. Create a Bastion.
    1. From the Oracle Cloud console menu, select Identity & Security, and then select Bastion.
    2. Click Create Bastion.
    3. In the Create Bastion panel, enter a name, and then select the same subnet where the deployment resides.
    4. For CIDR block allowlist, enter
    5. Click Create bastion.
  5. Create a session.
    1. After the bastion is in an Active state, on the bastion details page, click Create Session.
    2. For Session type, select SSH Port forwarding session.
    3. Enter a name for the session.
    4. For Connect to target using, select IP Address, and then enter the deployment's private IP.
    5. For Port, enter 443.
    6. For Add SSH Key, copy and paste the contents of the public key (~/ssh/ from Cloud Shell.
    7. Click Create Session.
  6. After the bastion session state is active, select View SSH command from its Action menu (ellipsis icon).
  7. In the View SSH command dialog, enter the path to the private key (~/ssh/id_rsa) in place of <private-key> and replace <localport> with the port in Cloud Shell that will forward the connection to the bastion.


    Cloud Shell doesn't allow port forwarding on a privileged port with sudo access, so you must use a non-privileged port like 7443. After the command runs once in the foreground to add the Bastion host to known_hosts, you can append an amperstand (&) to the end of the command so that it can run in the background next time.
  8. Copy the command and then run it in Cloud Shell. You can ignore bind: Cannot assign requested address messages.
  9. Start the admin client.
  10. Connect to the OCI GoldenGate deployment.
    connect as <goldengate-user> password <goldengate-password> !


    The exclamation point (!) at the end of the command is very important. Without it, the command fails and returns an error.

Use Admin Client

After connecting successfully, you can run any of the following commands:

  • Display the status of OCI GoldenGate processes:
    info all
  • View statistics for your Extract:
    view stats
  • View the content of the ggserror log file:
    view messages
  • Purge trail files that are no longer used by Extracts:
    purge exttrail <trail-file-name>

See AdminClient Command Line Interface Commands for the full list of commands.

Known issues

AdminClient: Unable to negotiate with <ip-address> port 22: no matching hote key type found.

When you use AdminClient in Cloud Shell to connect to your deployment, you may encounter the following message:
FIPS mode initialized.
Unable to negotiate with <ip-address> port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-ed25519
Action completed. Waiting until the work request has entered state: ('SUCCEEDED',)
FIPS mode initialized.
Unable to negotiate with <ip-address> port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-ed25519
Cannot create ssh tunnelnel

Workaround: Complete the following steps:

  1. Open a new Cloud Shell session.
  2. Create a file using the following command:
    cat .ssh/config
  3. Enter the following into the .ssh/config file, and then save it:
    HostkeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa,ssh-ed25519
    PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ed25519,ssh-rsa
  4. If there's an existing .ssh/known_hosts file, delete it.
  5. Close the Cloud Shell session.
  6. Click Launch Admin Client on your deployment details page.