Add a Replicat for OCI Streaming

Learn to add and configure a Replicat process for an OCI Streaming target.

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Before you begin

Before you add the Replicat, ensure that you have the following:

  • An Auth Token


    Create the Auth Token on your user details page.
    1. In the Oracle Cloud console global navigation bar, click Profile, and then select your username.
    2. On your User details page, under Resources, click Auth Tokens.
    3. Click Generate Token.
    4. In the Generate Token dialog, enter a description, and then click Generate Token.
    5. Copy and paste your token to a text editor.
  • A stream created in OCI Streaming.

Add a Replicat

To add a Replicat for an OCI Streaming target:
  1. In the OCI GoldenGate deployment console, on the Administration Service Overview page, click Add Replicat (plus icon).
  2. On the Add Replicat page, select a Replicat type, and then click Next.
    The types of Replicats are:
    • Classic Replicat
    • Coordinated Replicat
  3. On the Replicat Options page, complete the following fields, and then click Next:
    1. For Process Name, enter a name for the Replicat process.
    2. (Optional) For Description, enter a short description to distinguish this process from others.
    3. For Trail Name, enter two-character trail name.
    4. For Target, select OCI Streaming from the dropdown.
    5. For Available aliases for OCI, select the OCI Streaming connection.
  4. On the Parameter File page, add and configure Replicat parameters as needed, and then click Next.


    GoldenGate uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by default. Use SETENV to override the default setting. For example:
    setenv (TZ="US/Eastern")
    setenv (TZ="GMT+5")

    Learn more about SETENV.

  5. On the Properties File page, for gg.handler.kafkahandler.topicMappingTemplate=, enter the stream name.
  6. Click Add and Run.
You're returned to the Administration Service Overview page where you can monitor the status of the Replicat process. Click the process name to view its details and access reports.