What’s New for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate

When new and changed features become available, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. Although changes to the Oracle Cloud Console take affect automatically, OCI GoldenGate deployments must be manually upgraded to stay within the support window. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your OCI GoldenGate experience.

To understand the full scope of each release, ensure that you review the following resources:

September 2022

Feature or Change Description
View Trail files

Deployments upgraded to version 21.6 or greater can now view Trail files on the Deployment details page, under Resources. Trail files build up over time and are a major contributor to the Storage utilization calculation you see under Deployment information. Use this information to manage trail files.

Not sure how to upgrade your deployment? See Maintaining GoldenGate.

New troubleshooting topic added

If you experience connectivity issues, then review the tips in Troubleshoot connectivity issues.

August 2022

Feature or Change Description
New metrics added Several new metrics were added to the deployment details page so that you can observe the health of GoldenGate processes within the OCI Cloud console:

July 2022

Feature or Change Description
New GoldenGate version available Ensure that you upgrade your deployments to stay within the support window. See Maintaining GoldenGate.
CLI support for Admin Client Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command Line Interface (CLI) now supports GoldenGate Admin Client. Learn more.

March 2022

Feature or Change Description
Storage utilization Each deployment has a soft limit of 250 GB storage per OCPU. You can see how much storage space your deployment uses on the deployment details page. When the storage limit is reached, a message displays on the deployment details page advising you to take action to free up space. Learn to purge unused trail files.
GoldenGate API To support the features released, additions were made to the Deployment APIs.
GoldenGate Events A new OCI GoldenGate Deployment event type for Storage Utillization was added.
New quickstart Learn to set up bidirectional replication in our new quickstart.

December 2021

Feature or Change Description
Support for RAC databases Database Registrations now support RAC databases. See Registering a Database.
GoldenGate API To support the features released, additions were made to the DatabaseRegistration APIs.

November 2021

Feature or Change Description
New details for Deployment Backups Deployment backup size and start and end times were added to the Deployment Backup Details page. See Viewing Backup Details.
GoldenGate API To support the features released, additions were made to the DeploymentBackup APIs.
Policy examples updated With the recent release of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure IAM and the introduction of identity domains, updates were made to OCI GoldenGate Policy examples. See:
Quickstarts updated Send Data from an On-premises Oracle GoldenGate to OCI GoldenGate and Send Data from OCI GoldenGate to an On-premises Oracle GoldenGate quickstarts were updated to reflect changes to the root certificate.
Managing Deployment Backups Reasons that a backup process fails were added to Managing Deployment Backups.

October 2021

Feature or Change Description
Upgrade History You can now view a list of past upgrades on the Deployment Details page. The Upgrade History displays the Oracle GoldenGate version applied, the date and time the upgrade started and finished, and the completion status. See Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate.
DeploymentUpgrade API A set of API operations was added to support the Upgrade History feature. See DeploymentUpgrade Reference.
Root certificate change For OCI GoldenGate users who send data between OCI GoldenGate and on-premises Oracle GoldenGate instances or other non-OCI GoldenGate deployments, OCI GoldenGate's root certificate was recently updated and directly impacts any distribution and receiver paths between these source and targets. After upgrading your deployment, complete the following steps to successfully restart any distribution and receiver paths between OCI GoldenGate and on-premises Oracle GoldenGate instances or other non-OCI GoldenGate deployments:
Managing Trail Files Learn about Trail file management in Managing Trail Files.
New quickstarts The following quickstarts were added:
Quickstart updated Replicating Data Between Two Cloud Databases now includes steps to instantiate a target database using Oracle Data Pump.
New Policy examples Policy examples for securing network resources were added. See Policy Examples for Securing Network Resources.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.