Job Schedules REST Endpoints

Jobs/Job Schedules
Manage all job scheduling administrative tasks including scheduling a job to run and deleting job schedules. You can also search for job schedules by ID or retrieve all future schedules. This REST API is SCIM compliant.
Delete a Job Schedule
Method: delete
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules/{id}
Get a Job Schedule
Method: get
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules/{id}
HTTP Options
Method: options
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules
Schedule a Job
Method: post
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules
Search Job Schedules
Method: get
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules
Search Job Schedules Using POST
Method: post
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules/.search
Update a JobSchedule
Method: patch
Path: /job/v1/JobSchedules/{id}